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Entrance & Admission Requirements

Entrance & Admission Requirements

  1. On general basis, in order to access the Official Doctorate Program it will be necessary being in possession of the official certificates of Undergraduate studies (or equivalent) and the Master certificate. 
  2. May also access the program individuals in any of the next situations:
    1. Individuals in possession of an Official Spanish University Degree (or  from another country of the EHEA) which allows access to the Master studies as established by the Royal Decree 1393/2007 of the 29th October, having obtained a minimum of 300 ECTS, from which at least 60 ECTS must be at Master’s level. That applies to engineers from prior degrees to the Royal Decree 1393/2007 who have pursued studies equivalent to 300 ECTS or more as long as, according to the procedure established by the University, 60 of those credits are justified as credits at a Master’s level. 
    2. Individuals in possession of an official Spanish degree, which duration, according to the provisions of Community law, must be of at least 300 ETCTS. In that case, unless the syllabus of the pursued degree includes research oriented credits, the supplementary training must be carried out as it has a training value equivalent to the master’s research oriented credits. 
    3. Individuals in possession of an official degree obtained in conformity with foreign educational systems, with no need of homologation, as long as an equivalent training level to the titles of Spanish official Master is proved. The mentioned degrees should grant access to doctorate studies in the country of origin. This admission doesn’t imply, in any case, the homologation of the foreign title neither its recognition for other purposes but the access to the doctorate studies.
    4. Individuals with a Diploma of Advanced Studies obtained according with what is established in the Royal Decree 778/98 of the 30th April. Or individuals with the Proficiency in Academic Research obtained according to the Royal Decree 185/85 of the 23th January.
    5. Individuals in possession of other Spanish doctorate degree obtained according to a previous university planning. 

The Academic Committee of the Doctorate Programme in Computer Engineering and Telecommunication will examine the applications of those students fulfilling the requirements detailed before and it will take into account the next aspects for its selection:

  • The CV (a maximum of 90 points):
    • The degree and master academic record of the applicant according to the ranking of the academic centre where the studies have been carried out (a maximum of 60 points).
    • Scientific publications (a maximum of 20 points).
    • English level (B2) (a maximum of 10 points).
    • Other merits (awards, research placements, excellence grants, etc.), (a maximum of 10 points).
  • The motivation and references  (a maximum of 30 points):
    • A letter explaining the adequacy of the previous training of the student to some of the lines of investigation of the Doctorate Program (a maximum of 20 points).
    • A recommendation letter from two persons who can be contacted as reference (one of them can be a professor of the program showing his interest in monitoring the thesis of the applicant) (a maximum of 20 points). 
    • If necessary, the Committee will be able to contact directly with the applicants and carry out personal interviews (a maximum of 10 points).

The maximum score that can be obtained is of 120 points. The same admission criteria will be applied to all the students, regardless of whether their commitment is at full-time or part-time. In those cases where the Academic Committee judges that the previous training of the student doesn’t match the admission profile, supplementary training can be required.

The Program contemplates the possibility to accept students at part-time basis (this possibility appears in the Royal Decree 99/2011 and in the UAM Doctorate Regulations). These cases must be justified on the nature of the work that is going to be carried out and on the doctorate conditions basis. On a general basis, it is not contemplated the possibility of changing the modality, albeit the Academic Committee will examine the applications duly substantiated.

In order to follow the admission and enrollment procedures you can visit the following pages (both only available in Spanish): 


Coordinador del Programa de Posgrado:
Miguel Ángel García


Datos de contacto


Asuntos administrativos

Escuela Politécnica Superior | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11 | 28049 Madrid | Tel.: +34 91 497 2222 | e-mail: informacion.eps@uam.es