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Constructing and developing the grammaticon in a lexico-conceptual knowledge base. Implications for the development of applications in the field of human language technology and linguistic communication theory

Financiado por
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Investigador Principal: Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez (UR)


This project follows up on the latest research on the Lexical-Constructional Model (LCM), formulated by Ruiz de Mendoza and Mairal and on its implementation in the field of natural language processing through the FunGramKB knowledge base. FunGramKB consists of two main representation levels: the conceptual level and the linguistic level. The former comprises an ontology (a set of meaning postulates or microstructure), a cognicon (procedural knowledge or proto-macrostructures, which are an improved version of the traditional scripts), and an onomasticon (episodic knowledge or bio-structures). The latter, in turn, is made up of a lexicon, which incorporates grammatical information specific to each lexical item, a morphicon, which deals with inflectional morphology, and a grammaticon, which needs to be designed and populated and will thus be the object of the present project. The grammaticon will capture the properties that are specific to the most relevant constructional families in English on the basis of corpus data. Since the grammaticon is a new module in FunGramKB, it is still necessary to design its structure and to develop the metalanguage for each constructional type, which is an additional objective of the present project. Developing the grammaticon is essential in order to assess the computational capacity of the LCM, since the information in this module interacts with the data in the ontology and the associated lexica, which have already been designed and are in the process of being populated. We will thus design the architecture of this new module on the basis of the corresponding architecture of the LCM, and proceed to implement it computationally. Then we will populate the module with an inventory of constructions in English, counting on preliminary results from previous projects.


Lorena Pérez Hernández (UR);Alba Luzondo Oyón (UR);Pedro Santana Martínez (UR);Nuria del Campo Martínez (UR);Andreea Rosca (UR);Asunción Barreras Gómez (UR);Francisco Santibáñez Sáenz (UR);rocio.jimenez;Ignasi Navarro Ferrando (Universitat Jaume I de Castello);Isabel Negro Alousque (UCM);Francisco Gonzálvez García (UA);Jose Luis Otal Campo (Universitat Jaume I de Castello);Francisco Arcas Túnez (Fundación universitaria San Antoniode Cartagena) TÍTULO DEL PROYECTO: Fundamentos para la construcción y diseño del nivel gramatical (gramaticón) en el entorno de una base de conocimiento léxico-conceptual. Implicaciones para el desarrollo de aplicaciones en el marco de las tecnologías del lenguaje y la teoría de la comunicación lingüística.

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