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"T3M en Inteligencia Computacional" Contest


Your Thesis in Three Minutes- Tu Tesis en Tres Minutos

"If you've been spending years working hard on your thesis, surely you will be able to convince society of its importance in THREE MINUTES!

The duration of a thesis' lecture is usually at least of two hours, time into which 4 years of research work is condensed...

Now we challenge you to condense it even more to just THREE MINUTES!!"

For the second consecutive year, the “Red Temática Española para el avance y la transferencia de la inteligencia computacional aplicada” (Red ÁTICA), is launching the contest called "Tu Tesis en Tres Minutos (T3M) (your thesis in three minutes).

This ATICA initiative intends to highlight the importance and social impact of the R+D on computaional intelligence in Spain. It also intends to promote the communication skills among the researchers in training, as well as to make them counscious of the importance of divulging and spreading their work in others non-scientific areas.

In this second edition, T3M is aimed to any researcher in training or recent PhD (2014)  with thesis using or describing models, methodologies or applications of computational intelligence. The thesis must also be relevant for the research field.

If you want to participate in the contest [ES] you can find all the information in the following link to the Contest's Rules [ES]. The deadline for applications is the 24th October!

Escuela Politécnica Superior | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11 | 28049 Madrid | Tel.: +34 91 497 2222 | e-mail: informacion.eps@uam.es