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Interview with Álvaro Ortigosa, EPS teacher and Director of the Spanish National Centre of Excellence on Cybersecurity


Álvaro Ortigosa, teacher at UAM's Department of Computer Science Engineering has spoken to MATERIA, a new Spanish news website on science, the environment, health and technology, online since July 2012.

Ortigosa is Director of the Spanish National Centre of Excellence on Cybersecurity, as well as Director of the first Spanish agency oriented to the accreditation of knowledge in cibersecurity, the Agencia de Certificaciones de Ciberseguridad (Cybersecurity Certifications Agency), which depends on UAM's Institute of Forensic and Security Sciences (ICFS).

In this interview, the new training chief of elite soldiers against cybercrime informs about the possibility of a “cyber-terrorist attack” and regrets the lack of a Cybersecurity National Strategy.

You can check the complete interview here [ES only].

Escuela Politécnica Superior | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11 | 28049 Madrid | Tel.: +34 91 497 2222 | e-mail: informacion.eps@uam.es