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Quality control procedures

Quality Mention MCD2006-00502

  • Data collection
    • Research information. The information on active projects, research contributions (publications, patents, etc.), student mobility, defended Thesis, etc. is annually collected and kept in a database, which is then used to elaborate the Research Reports.
    • Academic information. The information on active Thesis is collected by the Program Secretariat.
    • Administrative information. The information on enrollment statistics is provided by the Centre Secretariat
  • Data analysis
    • The Quality Committee holds monthly meetings to examine the incoming data and act accordingly, by either accepting, guiding, or rejecting requests and proposals and, if required, suggesting amendments to the regulations.
  • Data publication
    • Results and indicators which may help to assess the progress of the Program and its quality. They are published and regularly updated in a section of this web site.
    • Academic information. The information on active Thesis is collected by the Program Secretariat.
    • Administrative information. The information on enrollment statistics is provided by the Centre Secretariat


Postgraduate Program Coordinator:
Doroteo Torre

Program Secretariat

Telephone number:
+34 91 497 2230
+34 91 497 2235

Escuela Politécnica Superior | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11 | 28049 Madrid | Tel.: +34 91 497 2222 | e-mail: informacion.eps@uam.es