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Personal Docente e Investigador

Corral Esteban Avelino

Corral Esteban, Avelino

Profesor Contratado Doctor Permanente
205 (VI-bis)
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Avelino Corral Esteban works as a full-time Lecturer at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He teaches courses on English syntax, semantics, and contrastive linguistics in different degrees (English Studies, Modern Languages, Spanish Studies, etc.) and a course on information structure in a Master´s Degree (From Lexis to Text). He holds a PhD from UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), a BA in English Philology from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a BA in German Philology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. His main areas of research cover the interaction between syntax, semantics, and pragmatics across languages, with a focus on Native American, Romance, Germanic, and Celtic languages. He has participated in research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Arts and Humanities Research Council in the UK, and the Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival in the USA, and he leads the Honóxease Project, whose aim is to foster the preservation and revitalization of the Cheyenne language.  He also received the Phillips Fund grant for Native American Research and the Benjamin Franklin grant from the American Philosophical Society.  He is the author of one book (published by Routledge), 8 book chapters, published by Cambridge University Press, De Gruyter, John Benjamins, Peter Lang, and Routledge, and more than 25 research articles, which have appeared in major linguistics journals (Acta Linguistica Academica, Journal of Language Contact, and Journal of Language and Intercultural Communication, RESLA, WORD, and Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, English for Specific Purposes, etc.). He is also the editor of one book (published by Peter Lang) and the co-editor of two books (Peter Lang and Comares).


Áreas de especialización

Sintaxis, semántica, pragmática

  • 2021-2024. Project: Erasmus+ KA3 “VALIANT: Innovation and Support Networks for Teachers” 626134-EPP-1-2020-2-ESEPPKA3-PIPOLICY, Erasmus+ KA3 (EACEA/38/2019): Priority 3. European Commission. Main researcher: Dr. Robert O´Dowd (University of Leon).
  • 2020-2023. Project: “TRADILEX: Audiovisual translation as a didactic resource in Foreign Language Learning” (PID2019-107362GA-I00). Main researcher: Dr. Noa Talaván Zanón (UNED). Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
  • 2019-2021. Project: “VELCOME: Intercambios virtuales para el aprendizaje y desarrollo de competencias en aulas EMI” (“VELCOME: Virtual Exchanges for the Learning and development of COMpetences in EMI classrooms”) (RTI2018-094601-B-I00). Main researcher: Dr. Margarita Vinagre Laranjeira. Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
  • 2016-2018. Project: "Desarrollo de un laboratorio virtual para el procesamiento computacional del lenguaje natural desde un paradigma funcional” (“Development of a virtual laboratory for natural language processing from a functional paradigm") (FFI2011-53788-C3-1-P). Main researcher: Dr Ricardo Mairal Usón. Financed by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
  • 2016-2017. Project “Long-term histories of grammatical traditions”, University of Oxford. Main researcher: Dr Philomen Probert. Financed by The Arts and Humanities Research Council in the UK (AH/M011291/1).
  • 2015-2017. Project: "Redes telecolaborativas para el desarrollo de las competencias transversales en la Educación Superior” (“Telecollaborative networks for the development of transversal competences in Higher Education”) (EDU2014-54673-R). Main researcher: Dr Margarita Vinagre Laranjeira. Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
  • 2012-2015. Project: "Desarrollo de un sistema de representación semántico-conceptual y su implementación en un algoritmo de enlace bidireccional sintaxis-semántica" (“Development of a system of semantic-conceptual representation and its implementation in a bidirectional syntax- semantics linking algorithm”) (FFI2011-29798-C02-01). Main researcher: Dr Ricardo Mairal Usón. Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
  • 2012-2014. Project: “Tšʰumaš Transcription Project". Main researcher: Matthew Vestuto. The Barbareño / Ventureño Band of Mission Indians, California, USA. Financed by the The Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival (AICLS).!about/c1tr.


Líneas de investigación

Lingüística comparada, Interfaz sintaxis-semántica-pragmática, Tipología lingüística, Lenguas nativas norteamericanas 


Asignaturas impartidas

1er. Semestre:

Lengua Inglesa: Gramática II (17292) (Estudios Ingleses): Group 320.

   - lunes 13:00-14:00; jueves 9:00-10:00 / 12:00-14:00

2do. Semestre:

Primera Lengua Moderna 8 (Inglés) (17435) (Lenguas Modernas, Cultura y Comunicación)

   - lunes 9:00-10:00 / 12:00-13:00; martes 9:00-11:00


Horario de tutorías

Lunes: 10:00 – 13:00 / 17:00 – 18:00;

Jueves: 10:00 – 12:00


  • Corral Esteban, Avelino (2023). Cheyenne: An Analysis of Clause Linkage. London: Routledge. ISBN: 9781032319971
  • Acosta Jiménez, Adrián, Yolanda García Hernández, and Avelino Corral Esteban (eds.) (2023). Enseñar Lenguas Extranjeras Después de la COVID-19: Análisis y Propuestas Metodológicas. Foreign Language Teaching in Europe Series, Volume 20. Berlin / Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 9783631815229
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino (ed.) (2023). Distinctiveness, Identity, and Officiality of the Asturian Language. Berlin / Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 9783631884683
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino (2023). “The long and winding road towards the co-officiality of the Asturian Language”. In Avelino Corral Esteban (ed.), Distinctiveness, identity and officiality of the Asturian language, 15 – 28. Berlin / Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 9783631884683
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino (2023). “A grammatical sketch of Cheyenne”. In Delia Bentley, Ricardo Mairal, Wataru Nakamura & Robert D. Van Valin Jr., The Cambridge Handbook of Role and Reference Grammar, 823 – 860. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781316418086 
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino (2022). “An account of the use of fronting and clefting in Cornish English”. En A. Honkapohja, B. Los & B. Molineaux (eds.) English Historical Linguistics: Historical English in Contact, 35 – 56. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino (2021). “Layers and operators in Scottish Gaelic”. Scottish Language 40, 1 - 49.
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino (2021). A Functional Discourse Grammar account of voice in Plains Algonquian languages. In D. García Velasco & L. Contreras García (eds.) Interfaces in Functional Discourse Grammar. Theory and Applications, 259 – 303. Berlin & New York: Mouton De Gruyter.
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino & Ávila Cabrera, José Javier (2021). “The project SubESPSKills: Subtitling tasks for students of Business English to improve written production skills”. English for Specific Purposes, 6, 33 – 44.
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino (2020). “A study of DOM in Asturian (‘dialectu vaqueiru’).” Journal of Language Contact 13 (1). Special issue: Differential Object Marking and Language Contact, ed. by Alexandru Mardale & Petros Karatsareas, 96-140.
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino & Vinagre Laranjeira, Margarita (2019). “Tracing the development of intercultural competence in telecollaborative interaction: An analysis of evaluative language in eTandem exchanges”. En Claire Tardieu & Céline Horgues (eds.) Redefining Tandem Language and Culture Learning in Higher Education, 97-113. Londres: Routledge.
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino (2019). “The Asturian language and the evolution of Romance clausal structure.” Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie 135 (3), 741 – 793. De Gruyter.
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino (2018). Collaboration as a research assistant in the publication “A Mitsqanaqan̓ Ventureño — English, English — Mitsqanaqan̓ Ventureño Dictionary” by Timothy P Henry-Rodriguez. Manoa: University of Hawai´i at Manoa: Digital Repository Scholar Space.
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino, Martínez Sáez, Antonio, & Vinagre Laranjeira, Margarita (2018). “Exploring virtual collaborative writing in the EFL classroom”. EUROCALL 2018. Future- proof call : language learning as exploration and encounters, coord. por Peppi Taalas, Juha Jalkanen, Linda Bradley, Sylvie Thouësny, 2018, 188  ̶  192.
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino & Vinagre Laranjeira, Margarita (2018). “Evaluative language for rapport building in virtual collaboration: An analysis of Appraisal in computer-mediated interaction.” Language and Intercultural Communication, 3: 335  ̶  350.
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino (2017). “The importance of accuracy in the use of grammatical terms and concepts in the description of the distinctive properties of Plains Algonquian languages.” Journal of Language and Education, 3 (3): 6  ̶  38.
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino (2017). “The difficult task of finding a standard writing system for the Sioux languages.” Creating orthographies for endangered languages, ed. by Mari Jones and Damien Mooney. Cambridge University Press, 155  ̶  175.
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino (2017). “Multi-verb constructions in Cheyenne.” Argument realization in Complex Predicates and Complex Events: Verb- Verb constructions at the Syntax- Semantics Interface, ed. by Brian Nolan and Elke Diedrichsen. Studies in Language Comparison Series, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 305  ̶  346.
  • Corral Esteban, Avelino (2012). “An RRG analysis of questions in Lakhota.” ITB 22, 25  ̶  46. DOI: 10.21427/D74X7D

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