1. Enhancement of long-range correlations in a 2D vortex lattice by an incommensurate 1D disorder potential, I. Guillamón, R. Córdoba, J. Sesé, J. M. De Teresa, M. R. Ibarra, S. Vieira, H. Suderow, Nature Physics 10, pp 851–856, (2014). [URL]
2. Quasiparticle Mass Enhancement Close to the Quantum Critical Point in BaFe2(As1−xPx)2, P. Walmsley, C. Putzke, L. Malone, I. Guillamón, D. Vignolles, C. Proust, S. Badoux, A. I. Coldea, M. D. Watson, S. Kasahara, Y. Mizukami, T. Shibauchi, Y. Matsuda, and A. Carrington, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 257002, (2013). [URL]
3. de Haas-van Alphen Study of the Fermi Surfaces of Superconducting LiFeP and LiFeAs, C. Putzke, A. I. Coldea, I. Guillamón, D. Vignolles, A. McCollam, D. LeBoeuf, M. D. Watson, I. I. Mazin, S. Kasahara, T. Terashima, T. Shibauchi, Y. Matsuda, and A. Carrington, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 047002, (2012). [URL]
4. Direct Observation of Stress Accumulation and Relaxation in Small Bundles of Superconducting Vortices in Tungsten Thin Films, I. Guillamón, H. Suderow, S. Vieira, J. Sesé, R. Córdoba, J. M. De Teresa, and M. R. Ibarra, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 077001, (2011). [URL]
5. Direct observation of melting in a two-dimensional superconducting vortex lattice, I. Guillamón, H. Suderow, A. Fernández-Pacheco, J. Sesé, R. Córdoba, J.M. De Teresa, M.R. Ibarra, S. Vieira, Nature Physics 5, 661, (2009). [URL]
6. Superconducting Density of States and Vortex Cores of 2H-NbS2, I. Guillamón, H. Suderow, S. Vieira, L. Cario, P. Diener, and P. Rodière, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 166407, (2008). [URL]
7. Intrinsic atomic-scale modulations of the superconducting gap of 2H−NbSe2, I. Guillamon, H. Suderow, F. Guinea, and S. Vieira, Phys. Rev. B 77, 134505, (2008). [URL]
Researcher ID / ORCID Code
- researcherid.com/rid/C-9744-2014 / orcid.org/0000-0002-2606-3355
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