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Objectives & Policy

Objectives & Policy

Public statement on the quality policy of the Escuela Politécnica Superior of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. The present statement was approved by the Governing Board the 16th June, 2008.

Quality Policy

The Escuela Politécnica Superior management is aware of the importance of the internal quality assurance system as a strategic factor to improve the training offered to the students in the European Higher Education framework, as well as to have the employers and society to recognise the competences, abilities and skills of its graduates. In addition, it considers that the training of its students, in a scientific and research environment, improves their future contributions to society.

The School is committed to direct its efforts towards the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of all its interest groups, both internal and external. In order to do that, the School takes on the compromise to use all the technic, economic and human resources at its disposal; as long as that complies strictly with the applicable legal requirements at regional, national and European levels.

Precisely, quality is closely related to the technic, economic and human resources at disposal. In that sense, the labour of the professors is to teach and to carry out research and technological transfer. For the professors’ time to be fully and conveniently used, and in the interest of a higher quality in their labour, it is necessary to ease them from labours that are not inherent to their professional collective. Consequently,, the Escuela Politécnica Superior will ask for more technic, economic and human resources in order to be able to offer the highest quality possible.

The Governing Board of the Escuela Politécnica Superior has established the following general guidelines for the achievement of the quality objectives. These guidelines constitute the Quality Policy of the School:

  • To structure its Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) around a Quality Assurance Committee compounded by external members of the University and in which all of the offered Degrees in the School, as well as the students, the teaching, administration and service staffs are represented. It is essential to receive the guidance of experts in the implementation of quality policies in educational institutions. Likewise, it is important to have at disposal the necessary funds to gratify these members, otherwise, it would bedifficult to incorporate prestigious professionals to the committees, what can be translated as a prejudice for the quality.
  • To offer accurate and up-to date information on the training programmes and on the Centre’s procedures, as well as on the way the SGIC of the School contributes to the amelioration of them.
  • To offer on-going training to the teaching and researcher staff in order to provide them with the knowledge, skills and dexterity to innovate and improve their teaching and research activities, so that way the necessity of the institution’s users is satisfied (PDI, PAS, students and the society). This on-going training must imply a reduction on their teaching load; otherwise we would be taking the risk of overwhelming our teacher staff, what would have as result a lower quality in the exercise of their functions.
  • To ensure that the School SGIC -which connects the quality systems of all the official degrees of the School- is being accomplished and to ensure that the improvement actions derived from the continuous monitoring of the SGIC are known by the students, the professors and by all others users.
  • To establish a properly documented line of public action oriented towards the securing of the quality through controls, reviews and continuous ameliorations that will increase the credibility of the institution in both the academic and the professional sphere. And to establish as wel a fund-raising policy in order to conduct the quality control effectively and efficiently.
  • To obtain a compromise of permanent improvement and to foster the acceptance of the good practise in terms of quality by all the members of the Centre as a part of their daily work.

In addition, as part of its Quality Policy, the Escuela Politécnica Superior has the purpose to reach some other quality objectives apart from the ones already mentioned:

Quality Objectives

  • To implement an Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) canalizing the SGIC of all the different degrees. 
  • To encourage the continuous amelioration of the offered degrees in the School, guarantying a quality level that secures its accreditation, via the permanent review of the available indicators and the set in motion of improvement actions. 
  • To keep informed  the University Community and the SGIC, at all time, consolidating under these terms a culture of quality in the School. 

Escuela Politécnica Superior | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11 | 28049 Madrid | Tel.: +34 91 497 2222 | e-mail: informacion.eps@uam.es