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Departamento de Física TeóricaDepartamento de Física Teórica


Tunel del LHC
Tunel del LHC (27 km de longitud)

This area is led by Professors C. Albajar, F. Barreiro, J. Fdez. de Trocóniz, C. Glasman, L. Labarga, J. del Peso and J. Terrón. The group is deeply involved in the CERN (Geneva) experiments, particularly in the ATLAS and CMS experiments of the “Large Hadron Collider” (LHC). Furthermore, in the context of ATLAS, a level-2 GRID centre has been built and is located in a laboratory of the group at UAM. The experimental particle physics group is also involved in the ZEUS collaboration of DESY (Germany) and has recently joined one of the leading experiments in the world in the field of neutrino physics, Superkamiokande (based in Kamioka, Japan).

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Phone: +34 91 497 51 00 · e-mail: informacion.general@uam