A new Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN) funded by the European Union H2020 programme named "European network for Particle physics, Lattice field theory and Extreme computing" (EuroPLEx) has recently been approved (Grant Agreement: 813942; duration: Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2022).
The research performed within the network aims to
- Perform precision tests of the Standard Model.
- Investigate Beyond the Standard Model candidate theories.
- Probe the QCD phase diagram.
- Non-perturbatively study theoretical aspects of Quantum Field Theories.
The Europlex network involves nine Lattice Field Theory groups in six European countries: Denmark (Syddansk University), Germany (Humboldt University Berlin, University of Bielefeld and University of Regensburg), Ireland (Trinity College Dublin), Italy (University of Parma), Spain (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and UK (University of Edinburgh and Swansea University).
The network will also establish collaborations with partner organisations in Europe and the US:
Scientific partners: Germany (DESY), Netherlands (Rijks-Universiteit Groningen), UK (University of Birmingham), USA (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Switzerland (CERN).
Private-sector partners: Germany (Google, NVIDIA), Italy (Sissa Medialab), Norway (AIA Science AS), Spain (Prensa Científica), United Kingdom (Cray, We Predict LTD).
For more information, including openings for Ph.D. positions, visit
the web page:
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