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Facultad de Filosofía y LetrasLogo FyL

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Plan de estudios

Plan de estudios

Guias Docentes (Course Guides) for 2023-24 are available from here.

The courses offered in the degree are described below.

Module I: Research Methods in Applied Linguistics

Obligatory courses; 5 ECTS credits each subject.

The module covers topics which introduce students to scientific research, evaluation of different methods of research in Applied Linguistics, data collection, variables, research design, statistics and their interpretation etc. It includes critical reading of academic articles, conventions of writing up research, etc.

  1. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (Métodos de Investigación en Lingüística Aplicada). This course introduces students to different types of research in Applied Linguistics, their design, types of data and data collection, basic statistics and their interpretation.
  2. Research Seminar in Applied Linguistics (Seminario/ Taller de Investigación en Lingüística Aplicada). The research seminar offers an introduction to corpus linguistic research, demonstrating how to perform various kinds of linguistic studies using corpus annotation software (both automatic analysis and manual annotation).

Module II: Linguistics Applied to Discourse and Communication in English

Optional courses, 5 ECTS credits each subject.

The module provides an introduction to a number of important linguistic theories, giving students the theoretical background to pursue their interests in problems of language and discourse, as well as apply them to a number of professions. It provides a link between the world of research and the multiple linguistic problems found in professional activities, giving students a principled base for solving these problems.

  1. Language, Function and Cognition (Lenguaje, Función y Cognición). In this course we look at recent developments in Socio-Cognitive and Critical Models of language and discourse by applying their basic concepts to (English) Applied Linguistics; more specifically, the course analyzes: the relations between discourse, society and cognition; as well as applications to political discourse, L2 teaching and learning and & translation.
  2. Discourse and Philosophy: Applications to Social Conflict (Discurso y Filosofía: aplicaciones al conflicto social). The aim of this course is to study the liaison between philosophy and politics, in relation to the main theories of discourse analysis and socio-pragmatics, in order to analyse conflict and its representation in the media.
  3. From Word to Text: Lexis, Grammar and Discourse (De la palabra al texto: léxico, gramática y discurso). The course focuses on Information Structure (IS) in sentences from the perspective of the so-called ‘interpretive’ approach and studies the main IS patterns in English, with reference to canonical (SVO) structures as well as some non-canonical ones. The course explores the pragmatic factors that affect sentence structure, looking at the complex interaction between structure, meaning and communicative function in English. Variation in patterns of IS over different text types will be explored, as will the applications that this type of study can have. 
  4. Language and Creativity: Verbal Creativity as Discursive and Social Practice (Lenguaje y creatividad: la creatividad verbal como práctica discursiva y como práctica social) The course offers the application of various theoretical concepts and methods from Functional and Cognitive Linguistics to the study of creativity within the more general framework of Critical Discourse Analysis at three different levels: the textual-linguistic, the contextual-multisemiotic and the ideological-critical. At the end of the course students will be able to identify and apply the main theoretical concepts and methods to the analysis of the relation between creativity and ideology and its manifestation in various discourses in different social, cultural and multimodal contexts.
  5. Languages and cultures in contact: Variation, Change & Intercultural Communication (Lenguas y Culturas en Contacto: Variación, Cambio y Comunicación Intercultural): A sociolinguistic introduction to the study of variation in English aimed at providing the theoretical framework for analyzing the phenomena associated to the internationalization of English and the issues associated to language contact and intercultural communication.

Module III: Linguistics Applied to Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in Bilingual and Non-bilingual Contexts:

Optional courses, 5 ECTS credits each subject.

The module offers recent applications of linguistic theory to the teaching and learning of foreign languages, again combining the profiles of researcher and professional, and leading to a degree of specialization. It is strongly theory-based, and allows students to detect and analyse problems, do research and apply their findings in their teaching, as well as to reflect critically on their practice and on the processes involved in learning a foreign language.

  1. The language of the disciplines in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) classrooms (El lenguaje de las disciplinas en el aula AICLE: Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lengua Extranjera). In this course we analyze the language needed to study a school discipline, focusing on the genres and registers of texts produced and used in content classrooms taught through the foreign language, and on teacher-student interaction. We analyse samples of spoken interaction and student writing from different CLIL contexts (the UAM-CLIL corpus), and consider applications of these analyses to teaching.
  2. Action research in CLIL and EFL classrooms (Investigación en acción en aulas bilingües y de inglés como lengua extranjera): This course focuses on the analysis of classroom discourse and interaction in bilingual (CLIL) classrooms and its effect on second language acquisition. Students’ and teachers’ roles in CLIL sessions will also be compared to EFL and L1 content classes.
  3. Meaning and Cognition: Research into Lexis and its Acquisition in First and Second Languages (Significado y cognición: investigación del léxico y su adquisición en primeras y segundas lenguas). The course offers recent applications of linguistic research into the acquisition, teaching and learning of lexis in first and second languages. Strongly theory-based, the course allows students to detect and analyze problems encountered on a daily basis, as well as to reflect critically on the processes involved in learning a language.
  4. Corpus linguistics and the application of new technologies in the foreign language classroom (Lingüística de corpus y nuevas tecnologías en el aula de lengua extranjera). This subject focuses on the use of computer technology in relation to the foreign language classroom. We start off exploring the use of corpus techniques to study classroom interactions. The second part of the course focuses on how to integrate new technologies into the learning-teaching process (email, wikis, blogs, etc.).

Module IV: Work experience (Prácticas)

Optional 5 ECTS credits.

Students who are working should consult the coordinator if they are interested in taking this module.

Module V: Masters Dissertation (Trabajo Fin de Máster).

15 ECTS credit obligatory tutored research project.



Laura Hidalgo (

Datos de contacto:

91-4974426 (Secretaría del Departamento de Filología Inglesa)

Las consultas relativas al procedimiento de admisión al Máster deben dirigirse a


  • CEP MULAI. Enlace externo. Abre en ventana nueva.
  • Docencia en Red. Enlace externo. Abre en ventana nueva.
  • Biblioteca de Humanidades. Enlace externo. Abre en ventana nueva.
  • Buzón de Quejas y Sugerencias. Enlace externo. Abre en ventana nueva.

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras · C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente 1 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid · 28049 Madrid · Contacto: +34 91 497 43 54 · ·