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The UAM Master’s Degree in Literary and Cultural Studies in Great Britain and Anglophone Countries: Literature, Culture, Communication and Translation (LCCT) is framed within the Doctoral Programme in "Estudios Literarios, Artísticos y de la Cultura" since the academic year 2012-2013, being created and organized by the English Studies. This Master provides an ideal opportunity to explore and develop interests in literature in English, while gaining a qualification that can act as a foundation for Doctoral research, enhance professional career prospects by developing specific skills, or satisfy the desire to study the literature and culture of English-speaking countries.

This Master’s Degree is aimed at graduates interested in broadening their knowledge of key aspects of the English-speaking world, and also acquiring the necessary knowledge and competences to analyze this culture from a literary and communication point of view.


Recommended entry profile:

  • Graduates in English Philology, English Studies or an equivalent degree.
  • Graduates in the field of Humanities with a high level of English (Cambridge Proficiency or an equivalent level).
  • Graduates, postgraduate students, doctors or qualified professionals from other fields of knowledge who can certify a high level of English (Cambridge Proficiency or an equivalent level) and are interested in broadening their knowledge about their knowledge of literature and culture in the English language.


The Master’s Degree in Literary and Cultural Studies in Great Britain and Anglophone Countries is held entirely in English and the appropriate level to take the course is a C1 / C2 or Advanced / Proficiency level (accreditation is mandatory).

What differential factors make ours an attractive MA degree?

 • The LCCT programme itself: without unduly neglecting traditional concerns of literary and cultural studies, we pride ourselves on focusing our attention on cultural areas of transition, cross-over, conflict, mediation, negotiation and compromise, and on the processes that take place in these. We explore the fertile though often neglected areas between literature and folklore, between tradition and modernity, between canonical and popular cultures, between art and reality; the ‘zones’ that constitute such a prominent part of Postmodernist fiction, but equally the heterotopias of horror and science-fiction; the betwixt-and-between nature of visual poetry; the intermedial character of drama and film; the différance between languages that is verbalised in translation; the intangible time-frontiers in postcolonial studies; the interdisciplinary and the intertextual. We turn borders into our centres, and in so doing we deal with the most dynamic aspects of the literary process.

• The MA degree: the LCCT is the only English literature MA programme in Madrid. It is taught entirely through the medium of English, in a department of English Studies that has been repeatedly ranked among the top two such institutions in Spain. The staff are specialists in their respective fields and integrated in various research groups (see departmental website students are especially welcome to participate in the on-going work of these groups.

• The university: The Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ranks first among Spanish universities according to the ARWU (Academic Ranking of World Universities) for 2012, and among the top 200 world-wide according to the QS World University Rankings for 2013.

• Our location: the wide, thriving Cantoblanco campus sited north of the City but within 30 minutes’ reach of the Atocha-Sol city-hub by a thoroughly efficient suburban train.

• The city’s cultural offer: Madrid is one of the most dynamic capitals on the European cultural map, boasting an unparalleled range of world-class museums, art centres, art galleries and international bookshops, as well as a thriving urban scene, the famous ‘golden mile’ of original-language cinemas, and the recently-opened Madrid Río (a seven-mile park along the Manzanares River complete with sports facilities, open-air entertainment, and the Matadero cultural centre). In addition, Madrid’s comparatively mild winters and sunny springs make it a most enjoyable city for work and leisure.

• Last but not least, the fees: though rising, they are still highly competitive in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).



Laura Arce Álvarez

Contact details:


  • CEP MUELCB. Enlace externo. Abre en ventana nueva.
  • Docencia en Red. Enlace externo. Abre en ventana nueva.
  • Biblioteca de Humanidades. Enlace externo. Abre en ventana nueva.
  • Buzón de Quejas y Sugerencias. Enlace externo. Abre en ventana nueva.

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras · C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente 1 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid · 28049 Madrid · Contacto: +34 91 497 43 54 · ·