Module 7 in the LCCT programme (a mandatory, 15-ECTS module) requires students to write a 30-to-50-page M.A. Thesis (‘Trabajo de Fin de Máster’, TFM) under the supervision of a member of the LCCT teaching staff. They are also expected to defend their Thesis before an Assessment Committee. Students are encouraged to develop their Thesis, under the guidance of the instructor in question. Students can also opt between submitting their Thesis in June or in September. For this purpose, they should submit an M.A. Thesis application to the LCCT Assessment Committee including a brief description of their intended Project, together with the name of their proposed supervisor. The members of the Committee will then help students fix the topic of their proposal and settle with a supervisor, who will guide the student in her/his search for bibliographical materials and supervise the development of the Thesis in tutorial sessions.
The procedure agreed upon for the defence stipulates that the candidate will make a presentation of his or her work for no longer than 15 minutes. The members of the Committee will then have the right to comment on the Thesis and its presentation and to query the candidate’s work on specific or general points. The candidate will then have the right of reply. It is suggested that the entire session should not exceed one hour. For details see the corresponding Course Outline here.
Upon successful defence of their M.A. Thesis and completion of the requisite 60 ECTS credits, students receive the Master’s Degree in Literary and Cultural Studies in Great Britain and Anglophone Countries. This degree enables them, should they wish it, to initiate work towards a PhD. At that point students are advised to approach either their tutor or a member of the LCCT teaching staff with a view to selecting a PhD thesis supervisor.
Laura Arce Álvarez
Contact details:
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras · C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente 1 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid · 28049 Madrid · Contacto: +34 91 497 43 54 · ·