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Master's Degree in Deep Learning for Audio and Video Signal Processing

Degree Descriptions

  • Centre responsible for: Escuela Politécnica Superior (UAM)
  • Centers of instruction: Escuela Politécnica Superior (UAM)
  • Implemented from: 2020/2021
  • Type of teaching: Face-to-face
  • Credits 60 ECTS
  • Minimum Number of ECTS according to the enrollment and the course for students:
    - Part-time: from 24 to 36 ECTS;
    - Full time: from 37 to 60 ECTS
  • Instruction Language: English
  • Número de plazas ofertadas: 30

Datos de contacto

Juan Carlos San Miguel Avedillo (coordinador.master.dl4avs@uam.es)

Questions regarding the Master's admission procedure should be addressed to posgrado.oficial@uam.es

Master's Degree in Deep Learning for Audio and Video Signal Processing

Master's Degree in Deep Learning for Audio and Video Signal Processing
  • The Master's Degree in Deep Learning for Audio and Video Signal Processing:

    • Provides advanced training for researchers and professionals that require a high level of skills to design, implement and deploy Deep Learning algorithms.
    • The master's programme is oriented towards the applications of Deep Learning for acoustic and visual signals, being highly linked to Technology Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship actions. The programme allocates many hours to hands-on training designed to give you invaluable practical experience.
    • This master allows to start a research and innovation career in Deep Learning, also giving access access to official doctorate programs (PhD).

Escuela Politécnica Superior | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11 | 28049 Madrid | Tel.: +34 91 497 2222 | e-mail: informacion.eps@uam.es