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Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

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Vidal-Meliá, L., Arguedas, C., Camacho-Cuena, E. and Zofío, J.L. (2022)

An Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Imperfect Compliance on Technology Adoption

Environmental & Resource Economics, 81, 425-451.


Persyn, D., Díaz-Lanchas, J., and Barbero, J. (2022)

Estimating road transport costs between and within European Union regions

Transport Policy,  Volume 124, 33-42.


Barbero, J., Diukanova, O., Gianelle, C., Salotti, S., Santoalha, A. (2022)

Economic modelling to evaluate Smart Specialisation: an analysis of research and innovation targets in Southern Europe

Regional Studies,  56(9), 1496-1509.


Barbero, J., and Rodríguez-Crespo, E. (2022)

Technological, institutional, and geographical peripheries: regional development and risk of poverty in the European regions

The Annals of Regional Science, 69, 311-332


Blázquez, M., Herrarte, A. and Moro Egido, A.I. (2022)

Has the COVID-19 pandemic widened the gender gap in paid work hours in Spain?

Journal of Demographic Economics, 1-36.


Martínez-Matute, M. and Martins, P.S. (2022)

How representative are social partners in Europe?

Labour Vol. 36, issue 4.


Martínez-Matute, M. and Urtasun, A. (2022)

Uncertainty and Firms' Labour Decisions. Evidence from European Countries

Journal of Applied Economics Volume 25, 2022 - Issue 1.


Pinillos Franco, S. and Kawachi, I. (2022)

Do individuals’ attitudes toward immigrants affect their own health? Analysis of 15 European countries

European Journal of Public Health 32 (2), 220-225.


Pinillos Franco, S. and Kawachi, I. (2022)

Hostile attitudes toward immigrants and refugees are associated with poor self-rated health. Analysis of 21 European countries

Social Science & Medicine Volume 301, May 2022, 114969.


Campos, R., García-Pérez, J.I. and Reggio, I. (2022)

Moral Hazard versus Liquidity and the Optimal Timing of Unemployment Benefits

The Economic Journal Vol 132, Issue 648, 2674-2701.


Rodríguez-Priego, N., Porcu, L. and Kitchen, P.J. (2022)

Sharing but caring: Location based mobile applications (LBMA) and privacy protection motivation

Journal of Business Research, Volume 140, February 2022, Pages 546-555.


Federico Steinberg y Enrique Feás (2022)

Ideas, intereses e instituciones en la reforma de la fiscalidad de las empresas multinacionales

Revista de Economía Mundial Número 62, pg. 173-190.

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales  · C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 5 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid · 28049 Madrid · España