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Secure Coding in C and C++ Seminar


Next 27th, 28th, 29th and 30rd May Robert C. Seacord, from SEI (Software Engineering Institute) in Carnegie Mellon University will host the seminar “Secure
Coding in C and C++” in INTECO facilities.

This seminar is included in the Program on Excelence in Cibersecurity (PECS) and will be held in english.

The number of attendees is limited. Any interested person should send an email to formacion@inteco.es attaching their CV in Europass format before the 16th of May. 

INTECO will select those profiles that can have a better understanding of the seminar, according to the objectives pursued by PECS. Selected people will have to pay a fee of 60€. Attendees that successfully complete the seminar will receive a course completion certificate.

Escuela Politécnica Superior | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11 | 28049 Madrid | Tel.: +34 91 497 2222 | e-mail: informacion.eps@uam.es