Research period
The student's work in this period has an essentially autonomous nature. However, it is always under the supervision and tutelage of the Thesis Director and in interaction with other EPS professors and students, both in specific lines of student research as well as in other research areas and groups. Consequently, and in addition to the work directed towards preparation of the doctoral thesis, the student is expected to participate in seminars, methodological courses and other training activities related to the research activity that take place at the EPS.
Postgraduate Program Coordinator:
Doroteo Torre
Telephone number:
+34 91 497 2230
+34 91 497 2235
Escuela Politécnica Superior | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11 | 28049 Madrid | Tel.: +34 91 497 2222 | e-mail: