Quality Assurance
Quality assurance
The UAM Doctoral School (EDUAM) is committed to promoting quality, ethics and social responsibility in the research carried out within the framework of its doctoral programmes.
The National Declaration on Scientific Integrity provides details on ethical principles and responsibilities in research. This Declaration was signed by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), the Confederación de Sociedades Científicas de España (COSCE) and the Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas (CRUE).
National Declaration on Scientific Integrity
The UAM has a Code of Good Practice in Research which is signed by all doctoral students, tutors and supervisors of doctoral theses in the university's doctoral programmes.
UAM Code of Good Research Practices
The UAM also has a Research Ethics Committee whose functions include informing and advising on all ethical aspects of UAM research projects and doctoral theses.
UAM Research Ethics Committee
Internal Quality Assurance System
In its commitment to quality, the EDUAM has designed an Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) which establishes guidelines for its internal functioning in accordance with the requirements established in the ‘Criteria and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area’.
The IQAS is the tool that EDUAM uses to guarantee the quality of its doctoral programmes and also of the research carried out in the doctoral theses, establishing an internal operating procedure and a set of processes aimed at continuous improvement.
Click here to see the EDUAM Quality Policy
The updated version of the IACS Manual of the EDUAM is made up of four processes, strategic (E), two key processes (C) and one support process (A), which are described in detail in the corresponding file.
Click here to consult the EDUAM IACS Manual
The IQAS supports decision-making on the scorecard developed by the UAM, with numerical and graphic indicators that allow real-time measurement of the situation and evolution of doctoral programs, and on the opinion of the different groups that are part of the EDUAM.
Click here to see the Doctoral Scorecard at UAM
Click here to consult the latest Satisfaction Survey Report
For further information: doctorado.calidad@uam.es / 91 497 40 37
Service manager: Mª Dolores Marcos dolores.marcos@uam.es