The defence of the doctoral thesis, in a ceremony chaired by the President of the examining board and publicly announced, must take place at least eight working days after notification of its approval by the Commission for the Equivalence and Defence of Doctoral Theses (CEDT), and in any case within six months of this approval.
Prior to the defence, the PhD student must have paid the defence fees set by the CAM in the decree on fees and public prices.
Please note:
The secretary and the PhD student must always act in person. The rest of the members of the examining board may participate by videoconference.
The thesis document to be assessed, and subsequently deposited in the institutional repository, is the one authorised by the Academic Committee of the PhD Programme.
The examining board will evaluate the thesis with a grade of not passed, passed, notable, outstanding, reflecting the same in a document which will be signed by all the members of the examining board.
"Cum Laude" grades and Honorable Mention
Members of the examining board will cast a secret vote on whether the thesis is eligible for the cum laude mention. The scrutiny of these votes will take place on the Wednesday of the week following the defence, at the EDUAM office, at 10 am. In order to award the cum laude mention, the unanimous positive vote of all the members of the examining board is required. The absence of votes, or invalid votes, will be considered negative votes for these purposes.
Likewise, the examining board will cast a secret vote to assess the option of receiving an extraordinary doctoral prize. The scrutiny of these votes will be carried out after the announcement of these awards, only for those candidates who participate in it.
The EDUAM compensates the expenses incurred for the attendance in person at the defence of a doctoral thesis exclusively for external PhDs who act as members of the examining board and who come from outside the community of Madrid.
Expenses shall be financed in accordance with the limit established in the general budgets of the UAM for the year 2024:
Artículo 50. Tribunales de Tesis Doctorales
1.-Con cargo a los fondos consignados en el presupuesto, se financiará un máximo de 300 euros por cada Tribunal de Tesis. En caso de tesis con mención internacional o en régimen de cotutela, el importe máximo a financiar será de 800 euros. En caso de superarse estos límites, la financiación del exceso de gasto correrá a cargo del Departamento o Institución a la que pertenezca el Director de la tesis doctoral”.
(A maximum of 300 euros per Thesis Committee shall be financed from the funds allocated in the budget. In the case of theses with an international mention or under co-supervision, the maximum amount to be financed shall be 800 euros. If these limits are exceeded, the Department or Institution to which the Director of the doctoral thesis belongs will be responsible for financing the excess expenditure’.)
In addition, the limits and considerations for individual expenses described in the instructions for the application form for the payment of expenses shall be observed. It is recommended to pay the expenses, including additional expenses (taxi, metro, parking, etc.), by credit or debit card and to justify them with the respective receipts of the bank movements.
Regarding transport and/or accommodation arrangements, EDUAM has an agreement for Doctoral Theses with the El Corte Inglés travel agency (Cantoblanco campus office) for booking and direct billing to the university, which is optional and not compulsory. You can contact this office through uam@viajeseci.es.
For any other information or queries, please contact the Economic and Budget Management Unit of the EDUAM, at the following e-mail address: ugep.escueladoctorado@uam.es
The defense of the doctoral thesis must be carried out at any of the UAM campuses, except in the case of co-supervised theses, which may be carried out at other participating universities. The defense may be authorized in Public Research Organizations (OPI) that by Agreement are integrated in the doctoral program in which the thesis has been carried out. In this case, the direction of the thesis and the OPI will make the necessary efforts to ensure that the defense is held at all times in the context of an academic event of the doctoral program, the EDUAM and the UAM.
The reservation of spaces at the UAM (by the doctoral student or the secretary) must be made through the following e-mail addresses:
- Sciences: reservaespacios.ciencias@uam.es
- Economics and Business Sciences: reservaespacios.economicas@uam.es
- Law: reservaespacios.derecho@uam.es
- Escuela Politécnica Superior: reservaespacios.eps@uam.es
- Philosophy and Letters: informacion.filosofia@uam.es
- Teacher Training and Education: juliana.corchado@uam.es
- Medicine: solicitudespacios.medicina@uam.es
- Psychology: reservaespacios.psicologia@uam.es