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Extraordinary prizes

The Doctoral School of the Autonomous University of Madrid, based on its regulations on Doctorate Honorable Mentions, approved by Agreement of the Governing Council of July 14, 2016, calls for the granting of Doctorate Honorable Mentions (Extraordinary Doctorate Awards) on the theses defended in the 2022/2023 academic year, for each of the Doctoral Programs, in the number shown in annex I of the call.

Requirements to participate

The call is open to all Doctors from UAM who have defended their doctoral thesis between 01/10/2022 and 30/09/2023 who have obtained the grade of "Summa Cum Laude".

When the Program for which the applicant is applying cannot propose any honorable mention for not reaching the minimum of five defended doctoral theses in 2022/2023 academic year, their application will be transferred automatically to the next call.

Formalization of requests

The deadline for submitting applications will be between 00:00 on April 8th and 23:59 on April 17th, 2024 (Spanish peninsular time).

Applications will be made electronically through the UAM electronic administration website, at the following URL https://sede.uam.es/sede/premiosdoctorado

All the details of the call can be found by accessing the full text, from the download area.

Important dates

As a summary, below you can find the estimated dates of the process. They can be postponed if necessary. 

List of provisional admitted and excluded candidates: 18th April 

Rectification period: 19th to 29th April

List of definitive admitted and excluded candidates: 30th April 

Provisory resolution of the process: 7th June


List of provisional admitted candidates

List of provisional excluded candidates

List of definitive admitted candidates

List of deefinitive excluded candidates

Provisional Resolution

Definitive Resolution
