Why choose UAM?
1.- UAM has an extensive and multidisciplinary academic offer with 35 doctoral programs in Arts and Humanities, Sciences, Health Sciences, Social and Legal Sciences, and Engineering.
2.- UAM has been a premier research institution since it was created. A top national university highly regarded in international rankings, most notably among young universities. A number of our research programs are carried out in collaboration with other internationally recognized scientific organizations, including CSIC, which is one of our academic partners in the International Campus of Excellence UAM+CSIC.
3.- UAM is strongly committed to the European Charter and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. It is part of the EURAXESS Network and has the HSR4R quality certification in recognition of its sustained efforts to create a positive and stimulating working environment for researchers.
4.- UAM is an international institution. It has signed collaboration agreements with universities and institutions across the world. Its participation in European programs, and its cooperation with Latin America and Asia, most notably China, are worthy of mention. The Doctoral School promotes agreements for the joint supervision of doctoral theses with other universities.
5.- UAM is an active supporter of innovation and transfer of knowledge as triggers of social and economic development. Part of its strategy is developing European Industrial Doctorates and other PhD modalities in collaboration with companies.
6.- UAM encourages the full participation of doctoral students in university life. The Student’s Union is part of the School’s governance structure.
7.- UAM is a public university committed to a just, generous world. That is why it supports socially responsible research, the strengthening of ethical values in science, the advancement of open science, and increased awareness of science in society. This social commitment is also reflected in the emphasis we give to the promotion of diversity and inclusion, gender equality, and a healthy and sustainable campus.
8.- UAM organizes numerous cultural events, such as art exhibitions, conferences, summer schools and contemporary humanities courses. It runs one of the most consolidated and prestigious annual concert seasons at Auditorio Nacional de Música.
9.- UAM has multiple sports facilities, including outdoor and indoor swimming pools. Internal and inter-university games are organized, and many of its students are university champions in various disciplines. UAM is part of the High-Performance Sports program financed by Consejo Superior de Deportes.
10.- UAM is located in Madrid’s “scientific hub”, an area in northern Madrid that is home to many research institutions, university hospitals and innovative companies. Its two campuses-- Cantoblanco and School of Medicine-- are well served by mass transportation.