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Procedure of issuing the PhD Diploma


After your PhD dissertation and once your file is closed, you can proceed to request your PhD Diploma via email to doctorado.gestion@uam.es.


You must send two separate emails to the email address doctorado.gestion@uam.es, one with the subject “FICHA TESEO” and the other one with the subject "SOLICITUD DE TÍTULO DE DOCTOR ( + PhD Programme)” and the following content on each one:

  • Subject FICHA TESEO: You must fulfill the Teseo form (“Ficha Teseo”) in this website, and attach the resultant pdf file.


  • Subject SOLICITUD DE TÍTULO DE DOCTOR  ( + PhD Programme): You must attach a scan of your DNI (Spanish citizens), NIE or Passport, and if you have any kind of benefit (Disability certificate issued in Spain, registered Large Families…) you must attach proof aswell .


Collection and delivery of Diplomas


As per the applicable law, there are several ways to collect your diploma:

a) In person, duly identified with DNI, Passport or NIE, at the Administrative Unit (Secretaría de Gestión) at EDUAM, open from 9:00 to 14:00 Monday through Friday, and 15:00 to 17:00 Monday through Thursday.

b) Someone else with a valid Power of Attorney (“Poder Notarial”) that grants them permission to collect your diploma in your name.

c) Getting the diploma shipped to the Spanish Embassy/Consulate to their choice, paying the applicable fees.


Obtaining a copy or duplicate of your diploma



  • If your Diploma has any typos or mistakes attributable to the Administration, we will issue a duplicate free of charge.


  • If you have misplaced your Diploma, you can ask for a duplicate. We will announce the misplacement on the Spanish Official State Gazette (“BOE”), and you will have to pay the announcement fees plus the duplication fees.


  • If your diploma has been damaged, you will have to hand over the damaged diploma. This procedure is subject to duplication fees.