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Annual Evaluation



Evaluation places for the 2023/2024 academic year:


A) Enrolled in October/November 2023:

1st call: Delivery of reports until July 1, 2024. Evaluation by the Academic Commission of the Program, until September 5, 2024.

Closing of records: September 9, 2024.

2nd call: Delivery of reports until January 30, 2025. Evaluation by the Academic Commission of the Program, until February 11, 2025.

Closing of records: February 13, 2025.


B) Enrolled in February 2024 (semester groups):

1st call: Delivery of reports until July 31, 2024. Evaluation by the Academic Commission of the Program, until September 5, 2024.

Closing of records: September 9, 2024.

2nd call: Delivery of reports until January 30, 2025. Evaluation by the Academic Commission of the Program, until February 11, 2025.

Closing of records: February 13, 2025.



To carry out the individual evaluation of PhD candidates, the Academic Committee will study the following four documents: the Research Plan, the Activities Document, the doctoral student's report and the Director's report (Thesis Supervisor) ratified, where appropriate, by the Tutor (Personal Supervisor).

The Thesis Supervisor or Personal Supervisor must validate on Sigma the Activities and the Reports submitted by the PhD studient, including the Research Plan, within the given deadlines. Follow up and evaluation of the research activity of PhD students  will be carried out by the Academic Comitee of each PhD Programme.



Taking into account the Reports, Research Plan and Activities Document, the Academic Comitee will evaluate each year, within the predicted deadlines, if the research activity of the PhD candidate is developing correctly, issuing a report about it.

If convenient, the Academic Comitee can request an interview with the candidate, their Thesis Supervisor (Director) or Personal Supervisor (Tutor) in order to clarify aspects about the research's development. 

They will consider, among others, the following aspects:

a) Regarding the Research Plan

- If the proposal is innovative or relevant, specially if planning is affected by temporary leaves or changing dedication.

- If the proposal is clearly explained

- If the hipothesis are clear, provable and can be carried out

- If the goals are clare and reachable

- If the methodology is adequate

- If the proposal is enough to complete a PhD thesis or is too wide


b) Regarding the Activities

- Completing of the required mandatory activities of the PhD Programme (if any)

- Assistance to national or international conferences where they present their research

- Research stays in international or national research groups widely recognized

- Attending to courses to improve their knowledge

- Knowledge of foreign languages, specially English (or the one applying to their field)

- Presenting periodically their research to fellow member of their research group

- Research capacity and independence

- Active participation in papers about their reserarch or collective papers

- Participation in divulgative activities in their fiel of research (if contemplated)

- Other aspects that the Comitee considers relevant

The report of the Academic Comitee will establish if the evaluation is positive or negative. Negative evaluations will be justified.

Each Academic Comitee will gather in the given dates to evaluate students and issue the reports. They will consider extensions as well.



The PhD Program Coordinator will send the results of the evaluations and, where appropriate, reports to the Doctoral School within the established deadlines.

Students with a positive evaluation will enroll in the following year, at the beginning of the academic year, within the deadline given.

In the event of a negative evaluation, the doctoral student will be evaluated again within the established deadlines for the extraordinary evaluation. During this period, a new Research Plan must be prepared and registered in Sigma, and the must meet the requirements expressed by the Academic Committee in their report. If the second evaluation is passed, they are allowed to enroll in the next year. If there is a second negative evaluation, the doctoral student will be permanently expelled from the Programme.


The positive evaluation of the third year entails the approval for iniciating the process of deposit of the thesis, unless an extension of the term to prepare the doctoral thesis is requested.