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Electrochemistry, Science and Technology

Programa de Doctorado en Electroquímica. Ciencia y Tecnología.

The Doctoral Programme in Electrochemistry, Science and Technology is an Inter-University PhD program which obtained the Mention of Excellence until 2011. In this program are involved the following universities:  Autonomous of Barcelona (UAB), Autonomous of Madrid (UAM), Alicante (UA), Barcelona (UB), Burgos (UBU), Cordoba (UCO), Lleida (UdL), Murcia (UMU), Sevilla (US), Valencia Estudi General (UVEG) and Technical University of Cartagena (UPCT).

The program provides the basis for the development of research activity in the realization of a Doctoral Thesis and trained to carry out I+D activities in technology centers and industrial sector companies that need of Electrochemistry.

Research lines

  • Fundamental and applied Electrocatalysis (UAM, UA, UVEG)
  • Electronic Transfer in Molecular Chemistry and Molecular Nanotechnology. Fundamental and applied aspects (UAB, UCO)
  • Development and modeling techniques and electrochemical processes (UMU, UVEG)
  • Nanoscopic and spectroscopic studies of electrochemical processes. Photoelectrochemistry (UA, US)
  • Preparation and characterization of new materials (UB, UBU, UAM, UPCT)
  • Development of new analytical methods based on electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques (UBU, UdL, UCO, UA)
  • Electrochemical properties of electrodes modified by organic molecules or biological interest (US, UCO)
  • Environmental Electrochemistry (UB, UdL, UA)
  • Applied Electrochemistry: energy accumulation, corrosion, electrosynthesis, electrochemical devices (UAM, UA, UVEG, UB, UPCT)


        Members of the Academic Committee


Degree Official Documentation


Monitoring and Quality


Facts & Figures (Programme data at the UAM)

Facts and Figures (Programme data at UAM)
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