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Facultad de Medicina

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Testing gene editing therapies for splcing mutations in neurometabolic diseases

Línea de investigación

Physiopathology studies and therapeutic approaches in animal and cellular models of neurometabolic diseases.


CRISPR/Cas, base editing and/or prime editing will be tested in cellular models of disease, carrying specific intronic or exonic variants causing different splice defects. The effect will be monitored by analysing the correction of the splice defect (RT-PCR), recovery of the protein (Western blot) and enzymatic activity.


Lourdes Ruiz Desviat.

Correo electrónico:

Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Calle del Arzobispo Morcillo 4. 28029 Madrid. Tel.: +34 914 975 486. Correo electrónico: