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Follow up and evaluation of the Doctorate studies

PhD Programme in Pharmacology and Physiology

After their enrollment in the PhD Programme, the doctoral candidates must take care of several items to be uploaded online to the SIGMA application.

A) Initial Research Plan

The Research Plan must be elaborated by the doctoral candidates in less than six months after their enrollment in the Programme. This document will include at least the objectives, methodology, and a working plan of the thesis project. The Plan should be endorsed by the Supervisor and, if applicable, by the Tutor. The Plan can be improved and further detailed during the course of the doctoral thesis.

The form for completing the Research Plan can be found at the EDUAM website.

B) Document for training activities

From their enrollment, doctoral candidates will record their training activities using an online document generated by the online SIGMA application.

The document will include both the training activities offered by the Programme and others suggested by the Tutor or Thesis Supervisor. In every case, the training activities will require the endorsement by the Tutor or the Supervisor, who will periodically periodically review the Document. ows: Proposal/Accepted proposal/Denied proposal/Done.

For every training activity performed, the following information will be recorded:

  • Start/End dates.
  • Country and institution(s) involved.
  • In the “Observations” field, other informations must be recorded, like duration/hours for workshops and courses; title of contributions and/or presentations; journal, title, and complete reference for publications, detailed teaching activities, etc).

The doctoral candidate must certify the performed activities (courses, seminars, meetings, conferences, talks, publications, etc), by providing the corresponding certificates or documents. These must be attached to the Training Activities Document (Documento de Actividades del Doctorando) to be uploaded in SIGMA and validated online by the Tutor.

Annual Follow-up

Follow-up and evaluation will be performed every year by the Academic Board. The following items will be considered for the evaluation:

  • Research plan
  • Doctoral candidate’s report
  • Supervisor’s report
  • Training Activities Document

The results of the yearly evaluation by the Academic Board will be notified to the doctoral candidate in terms of a positive or negative evaluation.

If the result is negative, the candidate will have a second chance during the extraordinary evaluation, to be held according to UAM’s Doctorate timetable. The candidate will need to fulfill all the amendments required by the Academic Board. If the second evaluation is positive, the candidate will be allowed for inscription in the next academic year. If the second evaluation is negative, the candidate will need to leave the PhD Programme.

Additional information about templates for reports, evaluation criteria, and timetables for ordinary and extraordinary evaluations can be found here:


Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Calle del Arzobispo Morcillo 4. 28029 Madrid. Tel. +34 91 497 54 86  Fax. 91 497 53 53. Email. informacion.medicina@uam.es