Gender Studies Graduate Seminar:
- November 25th, 2019. Guest lecturer: Socorro Suárez Lafuente. Venue: Aula Historicista (202-X). Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
November 22nd-23rd, 2023. Venue: Sala de Vídeo 1 & Salón de Grados.
November 25th, 2024. Guest lecturer: Dr. Marisol Morales Ladrón (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares): "Transgressing the Legacy of Mother Ireland: Joy and Rage in Contemporary Irish Narratives of Maternal Subjectivity".
- Joyce & Woolf: Seminar on Literary Modernism
(March 4, 2022. 16:00 – 18:00)
- Literary Games Seminar:
December 12th, 2019. Speaker: Roberto Valencia (writer and literary critic) Venue: Dpto. de Filología Inglesa. Time: 17.30-19.00.
November 28th, 2023. Speaker: Pablo Martín Sánchez. Lecture: “Pequeña conferencia ilustrada: Italo Calvino, oulipiano”. Venue: Aula historicista (202-X). Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
November 28th, 2024. The‘Death’ of the Authorand the Birth of the Machine
The Potential of AI generated Content for Story telling. Speakers: Pablo Gervás and Gonzalo Méndez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Lecture: “The Death of the Author, the Birth of the Machine: The Potential of AI Generated Content for Storytelling”
- Literary Translation. Graduate Seminar (May 25, 2023. 17.00-20.00)
- Workshop “‘Desde el aire quieto de las alturas’. Traducir Poesía y Naturaleza en la Senda de Gary Snyder”. Speaker: Nacho Fernández Rocafort. November 28, 2023. Venue: Sala de Vídeo 1 (Mod. II). Time: 18.00-20.00.
- Speakers: Antonio Ballesteros González & Marta Sánchez-Nieves Fernández. May 25, 2023. Venue: Sala de Juntas de Decanato. Time: 17.00-20.00. PDF. (evento mes de mayo).
- Madrid Early Modern Seminar (MadEMS)
October 10th, 2024. Lectures: Luis J. Conejero Magro (Universidad de Extremadura). “Echoes of Faith. Tracing Religious Intertextuality in John of Gaunt’s Spanish Adventure in Early Modern Literature”; Carla Della Gatta (University of Maryland). “Latinx Shakespeares: Theatrical Bilinguaging Through Hamlet” (18.00. Centro Cultural La Corrala). Organizer: David Amelang.
- Modern Drama Seminar:
April 23rd, 2020. "Over One Hundred Years of Struggle --Woman and the Politics of Theatre". Keynote speakers: Prof. Anna MacMullan (Full Professor, University of Reading (United Kingdom), “Caryl Churchill's Top Girls: Confronting the Politics of Thatcherism”; Prof. Miriam Lopéz Rodríguez (Professor of US Literature, Universidad de Málaga), “Sophie Treadwell and the Politics of Theatre”. Venue: Sala de video 2.
April 15th, 2024. “The First Folio and Its Aftermath. William Shakespeare Now and Then”. Organizer: Noelia Hernando Real. Keynote speakers: Mark Hutchins, Isabel Guerrero y Antonia Rodríguez-Gago, Lauren Gunderson.
-Mythical Projections": Permanent Research Seminar on Classical Myths and its Reception in Anglosaxon Culture
- October 29th, 2019: "Maternities in conflict". Round table and Videoforum. Lecturers: Mercedes Aguirre Castro (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Ana González-Rivas Fernández (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) y Cristina Salcedo González (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). Venue: Room 101-O. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
- February 20th, 2020. "Myth, Psyche, and Identity". Guest lecturer: Roderick Main (Professor at the University of Essex), “Heaney in the Underworld: Mythical Method and the Archetypal Depths of Everyday Life”. Roundtable: “Mythical Identities in the Modern World: the Presence of Classical Myths in English Literature and Popular Culture”. Speakers: Cristina Salcedo (English Studies), Manuel Criado (English Studies), Sara Palermo (Classical Studies). Venue: Sala de reuniones (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; junto a conserjería). Time: 11.30-14.00.
- February 22th, 2021 “Myth and the Ambiguity of Metamorphosis”, y nos permitirá analizar con detenimiento textos de William Shakespeare, Nathaniel Hawthorne y Daphne Du Maurier. La conferencia la llevará a cabo el profesor Richard Buxton (Universidad de Bristol), y el debate posterior lo moderará la profesora Mercedes Aguirre (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). El seminario tendrá lugar online, a través de la plataforma Teams, el próximo 22 de febrero, de 11.00 a 13.00. Se entregará certificado de asistencia. Para inscripciones, se puede escribir a
PDF Mythical Projections Permanent Research Seminar on Class
- April 20th, 2022. “Mitos Clásicos y la Lieratura Juvenil”. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar a los alumnos unas claves básicas sobre un proceso de recepción muy particular (el de los mitos clásicos) en un tipo de literatura especialmente popular y representativa de la cultura de masas. Con este fin se analizarán obras como las novelas de Harry Potter o Percy Jackson, entre otras (todas de literatura en lengua inglesa). Coordinadores de ponentes: Ana González-Rivas Fernández y Cristina Salcedo González.
Seminar Poster
- November 22nd, 2022. “Mitos Clásicos y la Literatura Juvenil” (2nd edition). Organizers: Ana González-Rivas Fernández and Cristina Salcedo González.
- April 24th, 2023. “Mitología Clásica y Literatura Fantástica. Ejemplos en la Literatura Juvenil”. Organizers: Ana González-Rivas Fernández and Cristina Salcedo González. Guest speaker: María Victoria Sotomayor (Facultad de Profesorado. UAM), “Literatura juvenil: algunas reflexiones desde la controversia”. Mesa redonda 1: “La creación de vida artificial: Prometeo y Pigmalión”. Mesa redonda 2: “Los mundos fantásticos: J. R. R. Tolkien y C. S. Lewis”.
- October 16th, 2024. “Monsters in Classical Myth and Their Reception in Modern Times”. Lecturer: Debbie Felton (University of Massachusetts Amherst), “Interpreting Monsters: Approaches to the Cyclops Polyphemus” + Workshop “We live in Monstrous Times: Classical Monsters in the Contemporary World”. Organizers: Ana González-Rivas and Cristina Salcedo. Seminar Póster [hipervínculo: véase pdf adjunto]. Registration form:
- Seminar on Scottish Literature:
- March 11th, 2020: Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham (Lecturer at the London Metropolitan University; Honorary President de la Cunninghame Grahan Society): "A Scot called Don Roberto and a Fighter for Justice”.
- 6th International Conference on American Drama and Theater: “‘Game Over!’: U.S. Drama and Theater and the End(s) of an American Idea(l)” (1-3 June 2022, UAM)
As part of the permanent seminar, Modern Drama Seminar, this year Noelia Hernando-Real is organizing an international conference on American Drama and Theatre which will be together prestigious scholars and theatre practitioners to discuss beginning and ends in American drama.
See the conference website for more information:
- Literary Translation. Graduate Seminar (May 25, 2023. 17.00-20.00)
- Workshop “‘Desde el aire quieto de las alturas’. Traducir Poesía y Naturaleza en la Senda de Gary Snyder”. Speaker: Nacho Fernández Rocafort. November 28, 2023. Venue: Sala de Vídeo 1 (Mod. II). Time: 18.00-20.00.
- Speakers: Antonio Ballesteros González & Marta Sánchez-Nieves Fernández. May 25, 2023. Venue: Sala de Juntas de Decanato. Time: 17.00-20.00. PDF. (evento mes de mayo).