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Facultad de DerechoFacultad de Derecho

Sáez Lacave, Mª Isabel

Profesora Titular
Derecho Privado, Social y Económico
Área de conocimiento:
Derecho Mercantil
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Resumen curriculum vitae

La doctora Sáez desarrolla su labor docente e investigadora en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Su interés se centra en el Derecho de Sociedades y, en especial, en la regulación del tramo inicial de la vida social: las sociedades en formación. También ha trabajado en otros campos del Derecho mercantil como el Derecho de las OPAS y el Comercio por Internet.


Asignaturas impartidas

Instrumentos Metodológicos para la Investigación Jurídica II (seminario 8)


F. Gómez Pomar and Mª I. Sáez Lacave, "Competition, inefficiencies, and dominance in corporate law", Journal of Institutional and Theorethical Economics, Volumen 162-1, 2006, págs. 161-167.

Mª I. Sáez Lacave and N. Bermejo, "Specific Investments, Opportunism and Corporate Contracts: A Theory of Tag-along and Drag-along Clauses", European Business Organization Law Review, 11-3, (2010), pp. 423-458.

F. Gómez Pomar and Mª I. Sáez Lacave, "The enforcement of management passivity rule in take-over law: class action or government action", in Giovanni Ramello (ed), Class Actions for Europe: Perspectives from Law and Economics (New Horizons in Law and Economics Series), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012.

Maria Isabel Sáez and Damaso Riaño, "Corporate Governance and the Shareholders' meeting: Voting and Litigation", European Business Organization Law Review , Vol 14 - Issue 03, (2013), pp 343 -399.

M. Gutierrez and M. I. Saez, "Deconstructing independent directors", Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 13-1, (2013), pp. 63-94.

Maribel Sáez/ María Gutierrez, "Dividend policy with controlling shareholders", Theoretical Inquiries in Law, Vol 16, Num 1. (2015), 107-130.

Francisco Garcimartin/ Mª I. Sáez Lacave, Set-off, netting and close-out netting, in Research Handbook on crisis management in the banking sector, Matthias Haentjens and Bob Wessels (ed), Edward Elgar, (2015), 331-344.

M. Gutierrez and M. I. Saez, "A contractual approach to discipline self-dealing by controlling shareholders", Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting, 2, 2017, 173-204.

M. Gutierrez and M. I. Saez,, "Strong shareholders, weak outside investors", Journal of Corporate Law Studies, vol 18, 2018.

Maria Gutierrez/Maribel Saez, "The Promise of Reward Crowdfunding" Corporate Governance: An International Review, 2018 (forthcoming).

-M. Gutierrez and M. Sáez, "The Spanish financial Crisis", en G. Ferrarini y D. Busch (ed), Corporate governance of financial institutions, Oxford University Press, 2018 (forthcoming).

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Información general: 91  497 81 18 (Edif. Derecho)  / 91 497 25 03 (Edif. Ciencias Jurídicas, Políticas y Económicas).