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Political Science

Haapala, Taru

Investigadora Tomás y Valiente UAM-MIAS
Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales
Área de conocimiento:
Ciencia Política
Resumen curriculum vitae

Short bio:

Taru Haapala is a Tomás y Valiente research fellow (tenure-track) at the Department of Political Science and International Relations (UAM) affiliated with the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies (MIAS) as the Principal Investigator of the research project “The Political Knowledge of Parliaments: Science, Political Debates and Democracy” (2021-2026).  Her research in the area of Political Theory focuses on the uses of political ideas in liberal democratic politics, and she is an expert on the analysis of political debates and rhetoric. Dr Haapala is a member of the Horizon Europe research project “Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in the Postfactual Age” RECLAIM (2022-2025). Previously, she was a Marie Curie fellow (UAM) in the InterTalentum MSCA-COFUND programme (2019-2021), and a researcher in the Academy of Finland’s Distinguished Professorship project “Transformations of Concepts and Institutions in the European Polity”  TRACE (2015-2019). She also held the positions of Senior researcher (2018-2019), University teacher of political science (2018) and Postdoctoral researcher (2015-2017) at the University of Jyväskylä. At the UAM, she was also a researcher in the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network “OpenEUdebate: Matching Politics with Policy” (2018-2023) and Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Strategic Partnership Project “Practising Transnational Politics in Blended Learning” PATRAPO (2021-2023).

In 2012, she was awarded PhD in Political Science at the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), where she holds the Title of Docent since 2018. During the academic year 2021/2022, Dr Haapala was Honorary Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations (UAM). She has also held postdoctoral research and teaching positions at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (Harvard University), the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, the Queen Mary Centre for the Study of the History of Political Thought (University of London), and the LUISS Guido Carli University (Rome). She has previous experience in the European project management as Leader of Working Group 4: Debates and Management Committee Substitute (Finland) of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action Reappraising Intellectual Debates on Civic Rights and Democracy in Europe RECAST (2017-2021). She is a Steering Committee member of Standing Group Political Concepts in the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) and the Editor-in-Chief of peer-reviewed open access book series Pro et Contra. Books from the Finnish Political Science Association published by the Helsinki University Press.


More information:


Líneas de investigación

Research interests and expertise:


Political debates of expertise and knowledge

EU politicisation

Political theory of parliamentarism

History of political ideas

Political rhetoric


Asignaturas impartidas

Subjects taught (in English):

Historia del pensamiento político (Máster)

Análisis político y teorías de la democracia (Grado)



(2024). Elomäki, A. & T. Haapala. “Politics of expertise in the European Parliament: discursive constructions and contestations of expertise by party-political actors”, Journal of European Integration, 46(3), 321–339.

(2023). Haapala, T. “Disrupting European Politics? Rhetorical Analysis of MEP Manon Aubry’s Politicising Strategies in Twitter”. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, first online.

(2023). Kivistö, H.-M. & T. Haapala. “A Missed Opportunity of Supranationalism? The Drafting of European Political Authority in the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe, 1949-51”, in Political science in parliaments: Case studies in selected Western parliaments after the Second World War, edited by K. Palonen & A. Kronlund, special issue of Parliaments, Estates and Representation, 43(3), 306-321.

(2022). Haapala, T. & Oleart, Á., eds. Tracing the Politicisation of the EU: The Future of Europe Debates Before and After the 2019 Elections. Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan.

(2022). Haapala, T. “Parliamentary Rhetoric Meets the Twittersphere: Rethinking the Politicisation of European Public Debates with the Rise of Social Media”, in T. Haapala & Á. Oleart (eds.), Tracing the Politicisation of the EU (pp. 113-137). Cham, Palgrave Macmillan.

(2022). Oleart, Á. & Haapala, T. “Introduction: Towards a multi-faceted approach to politicisation in the EU context”, in T. Haapala & Á. Oleart (eds.), Tracing the Politicisation of the EU (pp. 1-17). Cham, Palgrave Macmillan.

(2022). Haapala, T., Á. Oleart & J. Beyer. “Epilogue: Tracing the Politicisation of the EU – A Research Agenda for Exploring the Politicising Strategies in the Future of Europe Debates” in T. Haapala & Á. Oleart (eds.), Tracing the Politicisation of the EU (pp. 295-306). Cham, Palgrave Macmillan.

(2022). Haapala, T. “Saving European Democracy: British Debates on European Unification in 1948–49”, in N. Kauppi & K. Palonen (eds.), Rhetoric and Bricolage in European Politics and Beyond: The Political Mind in Action (pp. 59-88). Rhetoric, Politics and Society. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan.

(2022). Haapala, T. “Is There an Alternative Tradition of Civil Disobedience in Europe?”, in T. Nykänen, T. Seppälä & P. Koikkalainen (eds.), Civil Disobedience from Nepal to Norway: Traditions, Extensions, and Civility (pp. 122-138). Ethics, Human Rights and Global Political Thought. New Delhi, Routledge.

(2022). Haapala, T., M. Brown & L. Raycheva. “Postcolonial Perspectives on Citizenship Education Debates in Europe”, editorial introduction of special issue Citizenship Education for Political Agency in European Democracies: Transnational Appraisals and Debates in Postcolonial Directions in Education, 11(1), 1-11.

(2021). Haapala, T. & A. Kronlund. “Foreword”, in Arendt, Eichmann and the Politics of the Past by Tuija Parvikko (pp. v-vii). Pro et Contra series. Helsinki, Helsinki University Press.

(2020). Haapala, T. Review: “William Selinger 2019. Parliamentarism: From Burke to Weber.” The Review of Politics, 82(4), 650-653.

(2017). Haapala, T. Review: “Felix Klos 2016. Churchill on Europe.” Journal of European Integration History, 23(1), 157-158.

(2017). Haapala, T. “The Oxford Union Debate on War in 1933: Rhetoric, Representation, Political Action”, in Debate as Politics: Parliament and Academia, special issue of Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory, edited by T. Haapala & K. Palonen, 20(1), 68-84.

(2017). Haapala, T. & T. Häkkinen. “Debating Federal Europe in the British Parliament, c. 1940-49”. European Review of History – Revue européenne d’histoire, 24(5), 801-816.

(2017). Haapala, T. & K. Palonen. “Debate as Politics: Parliament and Academia”, editorial of special issue in Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory, 20(1), pp. 5-10.

(2017). Wiesner, C., T. Haapala & K. Palonen. Debates, Rhetoric and Political Action: Practices of Textual Interpretation and Analysis. Rhetoric, Politics, Society. London, Palgrave Macmillan.

(2017). Haapala, T. Political Rhetoric in the Oxford and Cambridge Unions, 1830-1870. Studies in Modern History. London, Palgrave Macmillan.

(2015). Haapala, T. “The Issue of the Secret Ballot in the Cambridge and Oxford Union Societies, c.1830–72: An Extension of the Nineteenth-Century Parliamentary Culture of Debate”, Parliaments, Estates and Representation, 35(1), pp. 66-83.

(2015). Haapala, T. “Cambridge and Oxford Union Societies as Parliamentary Bodies: Legitimating Politics through the Adoption of the House of Commons Procedure”, in K. Palonen & J. M. Rosales (eds.), Parliamentarism and Democratic Theory: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (pp. 53-72). Opladen, Budrich.

(2015). Haapala, T. Review: “Alexandra Kelso 2009. Parliamentary Reform at Westminster.” Parliaments, Estates and Representation, 35(1), 139-140.

(2014). Haapala, T. “Parliament as a Model for Debating: Procedure Debates in the Cambridge and Oxford Union Societies”, in K. Palonen, J. M. Rosales & T. Turkka (eds.), The Politics of Dissensus: Parliament in Debate (pp. 279-300). Santander, Cantabria University Press and McGraw-Hill.

(2014). Haapala, T. Review: “Markku Peltonen 2013. Rhetoric, Politics and Popularity in Pre-Revolutionary England”, in Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory, 17(1), 114-118.

(2013). Vaarakallio, T. & T. Haapala, eds. The Distant Present. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, SoPhi, 122.

(2013). Haapala, T. “The Mockery of Adbusters Magazine in the Classical Tradition of Political Rhetoric”, in T. Vaarakallio & T. Haapala (eds.), The Distant Present (pp. 71-89). Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, SoPhi, 122.

(2013). Vaarakallio, T. & T. Haapala. “Introduction”, in T. Vaarakallio & T. Haapala (eds.), The Distant Present (pp. 4-11). Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, SoPhi, 122.

(2012). “Debating Societies, the Art of Rhetoric, and the British House of Commons: Parliamentary Culture of Debate before and after the 1832 Reform Act”, in Rhetoric, Ethics and Democracy, special issue of Res Pública. Revista de Filosofía Política, edited by J. M. Rosales & M. Toscano Méndez, 15(27), pp. 25-36.

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