a) For teaching work
Teaching staff, who wish to spend a teaching period (Erasmus) in our Faculty, should contact the coordinator of the corresponding area.
b) For research work
Researchers who wish to do a period of research in the Law Faculty should send an application to the Research Office, supported by a professor of this Faculty, together with an up-to-date curriculum vitae and a photocopy of their National Identity Card or passport.
Although applications may be made throughout the year, it is advisable to make the application at least one month before the proposed start date of the visit.
The Law Faculty is under no obligation to provide remuneration in respect of the visit, nor will it bear the research costs undertaken in the Faculty, nor travel costs, medical insurance, accommodation or maintenance costs, nor any other expense related to the stay.
If the researcher wishes to study undergraduate or postgraduate subjects during the research visit, he/she must pay the corresponding fees.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Información general: 91 497 81 18 (Edif. Derecho) / 91 497 25 03 (Edif. Ciencias Jurídicas, Políticas y Económicas).