Currently Full-professor at the Department of Sociology of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Master Degree in Economics and in Political Science, and Doctorate in Sociology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 1987. Teaching mainly Population Sociology, Economic Sociology, Sociology and Social Policy. Visiting researcher at the Institute for Family and Population Policy of the University of Bielefeld (Germany) and fellow at the Hanse Institute for Advanced Science at Delmenhorst (Germany). President of the European Society on Family Relations. Member of the International Network on Leave Policies and Research and of the Scientific Committee of the research network 13 of the European Sociological Association; coordinator of the Research network on Family Sociology of the Spanish Sociological Association.
His research fields focus on Family Sociology, from a gender perspective, as well as on Gender Violence, geographical Mobility and Social Policy. He has implemented many research projects on these topics funded by public and private institutions at regional, national and European level. The last research project, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, focuses on the use of parental leave in Spain, paying special attention to men´s use of the different leave schemes. The present project focuses on the work-life balance strategies of families with children less than 7 years old and the impact of different strategies on family dynamics.
His publications include books, articles and book chapters in Spanish, English, French and German. For the book Individualization and Family Solidarity (Individualización y Solidaridad Familiar), Colección Estudios Sociales, 32, Fundación “la Caixa”, Barcelona 2011, he was awarded with the “Roger Duocastella” Prize, given by Fundación “La Caixa”.
Commissions of trust: Evaluator of the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Commission (since 2014), External evaluator of the European Research Council (2013; 2015), of the Italian agency CINECA (2012-2013, 2017), of the Directorate for Research Funding of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (2014-2015) and different Spanish institutions (ANEP, ANECA, UNIBASK, AQU-Catalunya among others at regional level).
Public funded Research projects (in the last 10 years)
Parental leave use in Spain, funded by Ministry of Science and Innovation CSO2009-11328, from 01/01/2010 to 31/12/2013, amount: 114,950 €, Coordinator Dr. Gerardo Meil, Research team: Dr. Luis Ayuso Sánchez (Universidad de Málaga), Dra. Cristina García Sanz (UAM), Dra. Mª Angeles Luque (UAM), Dr. Jesús Rogero (UAM), Dra. Dafne Muntañola (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona) y Pedro Romero (becario de investigación, UAM) AM), Dr. Jesús Rogero (UAM) y Dr. Pedro Romero (UAM
New patterns of fathering in Spain. Fathers on leave alone when partners return to paid work, funded by Ministry of Economy and Innovation CSO2013-44097-R, from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2017, amount 65,340 €. Coordinator: Dr Gerardo Meil, Research team: Dra. María Ángeles Luque (UAM), Dr. Jesús Rogero (UAM) y Dr. Pedro Romero (UAM).
Patterns of caring children less than 7 years old in Spain: agents, practices and satisfaction with family life. funded by Ministry of Economy and Innovation CSO2017-84634-R, from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2020, amount 102.850 €. Coordinator: Dr. Gerardo Meil y Dr. Jesús Rogero García. Research Team: Dr. Pedro Romero (UAM), Dra. Daphne Muntañola (UAB), M. Concepción Castrillo-Bustamante y Dr. Vicente Díaz Gandasegui (UC3).
Related ProjectsProyectos de investigación (últimos 10 años):
The impact of leave and early education policies on family dynamics in Spain (QUIDAN2). Funded by the Spanish Research State Agency of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation; ref.: PID2021-123736NB-I00 from 01/09/2022 to 31/08/2025. Coordinators: Dr. Jesús Rogero García and Dr. Gerardo Meil. Research Team: Dr. Pedro Romero (UAM), Dra. M. Concepción Castrillo Bustamante (UNED), Dr. Vicente Díaz Gandasegui (UC3) y Dr. Karim Ahmed Mohamed (UNIR).
El uso social de los permisos parentales, financiado por Dirección Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CSO2009-11328, ejecutado del 01/01/2010 al 31/12/2013, importe 114.950 €, IP Gerardo Meil, investigadores: Dr. Luis Ayuso Sánchez (Universidad de Málaga), Dra. Cristina García Sanz (UAM), Dra. Mª Angeles Luque (UAM), Dr. Jesús Rogero (UAM), Dra. Dafne Muntañola (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona) y Pedro Romero (becario de investigación, UAM)
Nuevas pautas de cuidado de niños/as de los hombres españoles. Padres que cuidan con un permiso mientras sus parejas están empleadas, financiado por Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, CSO2013-44097-R, ejecutado del 01/01/2014 al 31/12/2017, importe 65.340 € IP Gerardo Meil, investigadores: Dra. María Ángeles Luque (UAM), Dr. Jesús Rogero (UAM) y Dr. Pedro Romero (UAM).
El cuidado de niños/as menores de 7 años en España: agentes, prácticas y satisfacción con el proyecto familiar, financiado por Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, importe 102.850 ; CSO2017-84634-R, ejecución del 01/01/2018 al 31/12/2020, IP Dr. Gerardo Meil y Dr. Jesús Rogero García, investigadores: Dr. Pedro Romero (UAM), Dra. Daphne Muntañola (UAB), M. Concepción Castrillo-Bustamante y Dr. Vicente Díaz Gandasegui (UC3).
New Social inequalities
Sociology of the Economy
Last 10 years:
On domestic violence:
(2012), (Analysis of the Survey on Gender Violence 2011) Análisis sobre la Macroencuesta de la violencia de género 2011, Delegación del Gobierno para la Violencia de Género, Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, NIPO: 680-14-004-0, 125 pp. disponible en (In Spanish)
(2014), (Analysis of the Survey on Perceptions about Gender Violence) Análisis de la encuesta Percepción social de la violencia de género, Delegación del Gobierno para la Violencia de Género, Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, vol. 17, NIPO: 680-14-003-5, 170 pp. disponible en (In Spanish)
(2016), (Violence against women in Spain) “La violencia contra las mujeres en España” en Fundación Encuentro, España 2016. Una interpretación de su realidad social, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Madrid, 2016, ISBN 978-84-8468-663-7, pp. 85-135. Disponible en (In Spanish)
(2017), (Domestic Violence against Elderly) “Los malos tratos a las personas mayores” en IMSERSO, Informe, 2016. Las personas mayores en España, Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales, NIPO EN LÍNEA: 686-17-028-3, pp. 489-539. Disponible en (In Spanish)
On Work-Family Balance Policies
Delgado, M., Meil, G. & Zamora, F. (2008), “Spain: Short on children and short on family policies” in Demographic Research, vol. 19, article 27, pp. 1059-1104
Meil, G. (2013), European men's use of parental leave and their involvement in child care and housework, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, vol. XLIV, 5, 557-570
Meil, Gerardo, Romero-Balsas, Pedro y Rogero-García, Jesús (2017),“Fathers on Leave Alone in Spain: ‘Hey, I Want to Be Able to Do It Like That, Too” in M. O’Brien, K. Wall (eds.), Comparative Perspectives on Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality. Fathers on Leave Alone, Springer, Life Course Research and Social Policies 6, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-42970-0_7 (, pp. 107-124
Meil, G.; Romero-Balsas, P (2016), (Parental leave perceptions and use among Spanish parents) “Los permisos parentales para el cuidado de niños: percepción social y usos de los mismos entre los padres y las madres” en Tamayo, Silvia (ed), “La maternidad y la paternidad en el s. XXI”, Granada: Editorial Comares, pp. 235-258 (In Spanish)
Escobedo, A.; Meil, G. (2016), (Fatherhood and parental leave in France and Spain) “Paternité et congés parentaux en France et en Espagne“» en Agnes Martial (ed), Pères en solitaire ? Ruptures conjugales et paternité contemporaine, Presses de l’Université de Provence, Collection Penser le genre, Aix-en-Provence, pp 175-187 ( (In French)
Meil, G., Romero-Balsas, P. y Rogero-García, J.(2017), “Why parents take unpaid parental leave. Evidence from Spain” in Vida Cesnuiytè, Detlev Lück and Eric D. Widmer (eds), Family Continuity and Change. Contemporary European Perspectives, Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life, DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-59028-2, pp 247-270
Meil, G. (2017): (Fathers’ parental leave use and childcare co responsibility) "Permisos parentales para hombres y corresponsabilidad en el cuidado de niños" en Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social, 131, 15-34 disponible en (In Spanish)
Meil, G., Romero-Balsas, P., Rogero-García, J. (2018). Parental Leave in Spain: Use, Motivations and Implications. Revista Española de Sociología, 27, Doi: (special issue on gender equality and leave use edited by G. Meil and A. Escobedo).
Valarino, I.; Meil, G. and Rogero-García, J. (2018), "Family or state responsibility? Elderly and childcare policy preferences in Spain", International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy,
Meil, G. (2018), Spanish fathers benefiting from maternity leave: Experience and policy demands. Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social, Economics and Sociology, 136, 17-37 (Special Issue on Leave Policy and Use in Mediterranean and South American Countries, in English)
Meil, G., Romero-Balsas, P. and Rogero-García, J.(forthcoming), “Spain: Leave policy in times of economic crisis, 2007-2017”, in Peter Moss, Ann-Zofie Duvander and Alison Koslowski (eds), ‘Parental leave and beyond: recent developments, current issues, future directions’, Policy Press, Bristol
Meil, G., Romero-Balsas, P. and Castrillo-Bustamante, C. (forthcoming), The effectiveness of corporate gender equality plans in improving leave provisions for fathers in Spain, in Community, Work and Family
On geographical mobility and family life
Meil, G; Ayuso, L. & Mahía, R. (2008), “Spain-Recurring Mobility rather than Relocation” in Schneider, N.F. & Meil, G. (eds) (2008), Mobile Living Across Europe I, Relevance and Diversity of Job-Related Spatial Mobility in Six European Countries, Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen & Farmington Hills, pp 149-188. ISBN 978-3-86649-220-2
(2008), “Summary-Job Mobility in Europe: Greater Differences Among Social Groups than among Countries” in Schneider, N.F. & Meil, G. (eds) (2008), Mobile Living Across Europe I, Relevance and Diversity of Job-Related Spatial Mobility in
Six European Countries, Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen & Farmington Hills, pp. 305-318. ISBN 978-3-86649-220-2.
Meil, G; Ayuso, L. & Mahía, R. (2010), “Support for Job Mobile People and Their Adaptation to Mobility” in Schneider, Norbert/Collet, Beate (2010): Mobile Living Across Europe II. Causes and Consequences of Job-Related Spatial Mobility in Cross- National Perspective Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen & Farmington Hills, pp. 319-338. ISBN 978-3-86649-199-1
(2010), “Job Mobility and Family Life” in Schneider, Norbert/Collet, Beate (2010): Mobile Living Across Europe II. Causes and Consequences of Job-Related Spatial Mobility in Cross- National Perspective Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen & Farmington Hills, pp. 217-238. ISBN 978-3-86649-199-1
(2010), Geographic job mobility and parenthood decisions, in Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, vol.2, 2010, pp. 171-195.
(2011), (Globalization, job mobility and family life) “Globalización, movilidad laboral y vida familiar”, en Panorama Social, 13, pp. 98-109 (In Spanish)
(2014), ”Professional mobility in the careers of European workers and division of housework" in Rupp, Marina/Kapella, Olaf/Schneider, Norbert F. (Hrsg.) (2014): Zukunft der Familie - Anforderungen an Familienpolitik und Familienwissenschaft. Tagungsband zum 4. Europäischen Fachkongress Familienforschung. Opladen, Berlin & Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich, pp 39-52
(2014): (Geographical mobility in the work biographies: scope, characteristics and reasons) "Movilidad geográfica en las biografías laborales: alcance, características y razones para asumirla" en Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social, 111, 17-35 (In Spanish)
Meil, G., Romero-Balsas, P. (2017), “Job Mobility and Subjective Wellbeing in Europe. Do Highly Mobile Workers Feel Worse?” in Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto, 56/2017, pp.105-131,
On Family Dynamics
(2009,) (The effects of decreasing family size on widows family relationships) “Los efectos de la reducción del tamaño de las familias en las relaciones familiares de las personas viudas” en Panorama Social, 10, pp. 52-64 (In Spanish)
(2011), Individualization and Family Solidarity, Colección de estudios sociales nº 32, Fundación La Caixa, Barcelona 219 pp. Available in this site, section download
(2015) (ed), (Family) “Familia” en Cristóbal Torres (ed), España 2015. Un análisis de su realidad social, Madrid, Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (In Spanish)
Meil, G. y Rogero-García, J.(2015): Does paternal childcare replace grandparental support in the work - family balance? in Family Science, 6, 1, pp 31-37 doi 10.1080/19424620.2015.1009934
Meil, G., Rogero-García, J. and Romero-Balsas, P (2018), Grandparents´ Role in Spanish Families. Work/Life Balance Strategies, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, vol. XLIX, 2.Spring, 163-177
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales · C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 5 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid · 28049 Madrid · España