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CIVIS, a European Civic University, is an alliance made up of eleven leading European universities that aims to create a unique European inter-university campus that allows you to study, research or work at any of these institutions as if you were at your home university.

In addition to the UAM, members of the CIVIS alliance are the University of Aix-Marseille, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Free University of Brussels, the University of Bucharest, La Sapienza in Rome, Stockholm University, the Eberhard-Karl University of Tübingen, University of Glasgow, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg and University of Lausanne.

ANNOUNCEMENT : Applicatons open for multidisciplinary PhD online course "The Dynamics of Multilingualism: Encounters and Entanglements" 

More information in Open Calls in https://www.uam.es/uam/civis

  • Cursos BIPS Blended Intensive Programmes

Hybrid courses in different subjects that combine online teaching with a short period of physical mobility at another CIVIS Alliance university. New training offerings for BIPs courses focused on doctoral programs (see Excel in the download area).

Here you can find more general information about the requirements and the functioning of the BIPs

How to participate in the BIPs program as a UAM student?

The regulations regarding credit recognition can be found in the following link, but they are managed by the International Relations and Mobility Service (SERIM):

For more information about what CIVIS is, we recommend visiting the CIVIS website.

More information about CIVIS mobility for students at (https://www.uam.es/uam/en/internacional/movilidad-estudiantes/civis)

More information on open calls at: https://www.uam.es/uam/civis

PhD CIVIS contact: Marta Ruiz Ortega, Deputy Director of International Relations ori.doctorado@uam.es;