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Master's Degree in Biotechnology


The Master in Biotechnology is designed to provide the students with practical experience which enables them to acquire the skills required for research or professional work in Biotechnology companies.

This Master also offers an introduction to business. This is necessary in order to train high level professionals who can do optimum work at the frontier between the business and the scientific areas.

Consequently, this Master has a dual focus as it is the commencement of research into Biotechnology and also the professional world, that is to say, it is aimed at the advanced training of specialised professionals for the biotechnological sector or other sectors which require the use of biotechnological tools. Thus, the intention is to meet the demand for well prepared professionals for the biotechnological sector, which is of increasing importance in our society, as well as contributing to the rapid, practical application of new knowledge generated by basic research.

In addition, the Master takes in four wide areas of specialisation:

  • Healthcare Biotechnology 
  • Plant Biotechnology 
  • Microorganism Biotechnology 
  • Industrial Biotechnology /Nanobiotechnology


The training objectives of the Master in Biotechnology are as follows:

  • To deal in depth with the research and development processes of products, goods and services based on the selective, programmed handling of the cellular and biomolecular processes. 
  • To acquire systematic, rigorous, up to date knowledge, as well as critical vision of the main themes in the specific area of specialization (Healthcare Biotechnology, Plant Biotechnology, Microorganism Biotechnology or Industrial Biotechnology and Nanobiotechnology). 
  • To acquire the basic skills for experimental laboratory work within the specific area of the specialisation (Healthcare Biotechnology, Plant Biotechnology, Microorganism Biotechnology or Industrial Biotechnology and Nanobiotechnology). 
  • To become familiarised with some of the techniques which now have major relevance in Biotechnology.
  • To acquire the knowledge and the capacity to identify problems, seek practical and creative solutions and apply them in a research context or professional work in Biotechnology.  
  • To acquire the capacity to plan and carry out a research project (if the focus is on research) or to do specialised professional work within the framework of a biotechnological company (if the focus is on practical work in a company). 
  • To develop the capacity to present clear, concise oral and written scientific papers.
  • To develop the capacity to effectively communicate progress within the area of Biotechnology, as well as its ethical and social implications to a non specialised audience.
  • To acquire the skills required to be able to continue autonomous and self-directed lifelong learning. 
  • To acquire a sound training base in order to commence a research career through studying for a Doctorate or to carry out specialised professional work within the area of Biotechnology which does not require a Doctorate.

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Información y Conserjería: 91 497 43 31 E-mail:  informacion.ciencias@uam.es
Gestión de estudiantes de Grado y Posgrado: 91 497 8264 / 4329 / 4353 / 4349 / 6879 / 8362 E-mail:  administracion.ciencias@uam.es