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Personal Docente e Investigador (P.D.I.)

Muñoz García, Macarena

Muñoz García, Macarena

Contratado Doctor
Módulo 8 Despacho 504.5
Resume CV

Macarena Munoz is Ramón y Cajal fellow in the Chemical Engineering Department at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). The researcher graduated in Environmental Sciences in June 2008 at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). She started her experience as full-time researcher in the Chemical Engineering Section of UAM in October 2008, with a competitive UAM Scholarship. In July 2009 she was awarded with the FPU-PhD fellowship (2008-0092). Her PhD Thesis was focused on the understanding of chlorophenols removal by catalytic hydrodechlorination, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) and their combination. During her PhD studies, she was a guest researcher at the Clausthal Institute of Environmental Technology (CUTEC Institute, Germany) for three months, working on the application of different AOPs, under the supervision of Prof. Sievers. In September 2012, she obtained her PhD in Chemical Engineering (European mention) with the distinction Cum laude. She continued working as postdoc researcher at UAM funded by contracts associated to R&D projects focused on the degradation of non-biodegradable pollutants in different real industrial wastewaters. She also completed a postdoctoral stay for 3 months at Aveiro University (2013, Portugal), under the supervision of Prof. Coutinho, where she explored the application of Fenton oxidation to the treatment of ionic liquids-bearing aqueous wastes. In 2014, she took up a post-doctoral position for 18 months at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) (Germany), under the supervision of Prof. Etzold. Within this period, the researcher was focused on the development of novel and well-defined catalysts, mainly colloidal nanoparticles, advanced carbon materials and ionic liquids-based catalysts (SILP and SCILL), for their application in processes of industrial interest. In 2015, she obtained the Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación fellowship (IJCI-2014-19427), coming back to the Chemical Engineering Section of UAM. Two years later, she obtained the Ramón y Cajal fellowship (RYC-2016-20648), position that she holds since January 2018. Her current research line is focused on the intensification of advanced oxidation processes in order to make them more cost-efficient, sustainable and technically feasible. The application of these processes is intended to the elimination of pollutants of emerging concern and cyanotoxins. In 2019, the researcher has started a new line of research dealing with the elimination of microplastics from water.

The scientific production of Dr. Munoz encompasses more than 60 JCR publications, 2 journal covers, 1 edited book, 4 book chapters and more than 70 contributions to conferences, including a plenary talk (more than 2400 citations, h factor of 26). She has been involved in 13 competitive research projects (1 European project, 1 Ibero-American project, 5 National projects and 6 Regional projects), being IP of one of them. Regarding technology transfer, she is the first author of six patents and acts as IP of three contracts (art.83) with companies (AQUALIA and CAPTOPLASTIC). In 2020, she launched as founding partner a spin-off focused on the removal of microplastics from water (CAPTOPLASTIC).

Scopus ID: 37111242500

Google scholar: Macarena Munoz





  1. “Desarrollo de estrategias para la separación de microplásticos de corrientes acuosas” (ZerH2O-mplastic) (SI1/PJI/2019-00006), financiado en la Convocatoria 2019 de ayudas a Proyectos de I+D para jóvenes investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y la Comunidad de Madrid. Investigadora principal: Macarena Muñoz. Duración: 01/01/2019-31/12/2021. Dotación: 38.850 €.
  1. “Desarrollo de procesos de tratamiento y acondicionamiento de agua: eliminación de microcontaminantes y retención de microplásticos”, financiado por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (MICROWATER) (PID2019-105079RB-I00). Investigadores principales: José Antonio Casas de Pedro y Zahara Martínez de Pedro. Duración: 01/06/2020 – 31/05/2023. Dotación: 290.400€.
  1. “Análisis y gestión de los riesgos asociados a la presencia de cianotoxinas en aguas y desarrollo de tecnologías limpias para su eliminación: hacia una mejora de la salud pública” (TALGENTOX), financiado por el rograma iberoamericano Convocatoria CYTED 2019 (Proyectos Estratégicos). Investigador principal: José Antonio Casas de Pedro. Duración: 01/01/2019-31/12/2022. Dotación total: 215.000€, Dotación (UAM): 100.000€.
  1. “Aplicación de catalizadores de bajo coste para el tratamiento y acondicionamiento de agua” (CAT4WATER) (CTM2016-76454-R), financiado por el MINECO. Investigador Principal: José Antonio Casas de Pedro. Duración: 01/01/2016-31/12/2018. Dotación: 234.000€.
  1. “Red Madrileña de tratamientos para la reutilización de aguas residuales y valorización de fangos” (REMTAVARES-CM) (P2018/EMT-4341), financiado por la Consejería de Educación e Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid. Investigador Principal del grupo de la UAM: José Antonio Casas de Pedro. Duración: 01/01/2018-31/12/2021. Dotación total: 826.150€, grupo UAM: 210.000€ 


  1. Art. 83 contract – CAPTOPLASTIC (01/07/2020-31/12/2021). Desarrollo de sistemas de separación y análisis de microplásticos de matrices acuosas. Investigadoras principales: Macarena Muñoz y Zahara Martínez. 
  1. Art. 83 contract – AQUALIA (01/01/2021-31/12/2022). AlGenTec: desarrollo de tecnologías innovadoras para la alerta temprana y el tratamiento eficiente de aguas de suministro afectadas por cianobacterias tóxicas. Investigadores principales: Macarena Muñoz y Samuel Cirés. Evento firma UAM-Aqualia


  1. Método de cuantificación y análisis de microplásticos presentes en matrices acuosas. Número de solicitud: EP22382061.4 (patente europea). Inventores: Macarena Munoz, Raquel Parra, David Ortiz, Julia Nieto-Sandoval, Zahara M. de Pedro, Jose A. Casas.  Fecha de presentación: 27/01/2022
  1. Procedimiento para la retirada en continuo de microplásticos presentes en matrices acuosas por vía magnética. Número de solicitud: EP22382063.0 (patente europea). Inventores: Macarena Munoz, Raquel Parra, Zahara M. de Pedro, Jose A. Casas.  Fecha de presentación: 27/01/2022
  1. Método de regeneración del material magnético utilizado para la retirada de microplásticos de matrices acuosas por vía magnética. Número de solicitud: EP22382062.2 (patente europea). Inventores: Macarena Munoz, Raquel Parra, Neus López, Zahara M. de Pedro, Jose A. Casas.  Fecha de presentación: 27/01/2022
  1. Procedimiento de separación de huevos de helminto para la obtención de aguas regeneradas. Número de solicitud: P202230060. Inventores: Macarena Munoz, David Ortiz, Julia Nieto-Sandoval, Zahara M. de Pedro, Jose A. Casas.  Fecha de presentación: 27/01/2022
  1. Procedimiento para la separación de microplásticos de matrices acuosas. Número de solicitud: P201930485. Inventores: Macarena Munoz, Julia Nieto-Sandoval, Zahara M. de Pedro, Jose A. Casas.  Fecha de presentación: 31/05/2019
  1.  Procedimiento de preparación de un material parmagnético a base de hierro y gamma-Al2O3 con aplicaciones como catalizador y soporte catalítico. Número de publicación: 2408693. Inventores: Macarena Munoz, Zahara Martínez, José Antonio Casas, Juan José Rodríguez. Fecha de la concesión: 29/04/2014


CAPTOPLASTIC S.L.  is a knowledge-based company of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid , founded by BEABLE CAPITAL S.L. It is working on the development of a procedure to separate microplastics from aqueous matrices. The system can be applied for the elimination of microplastic in aqueous streams and also for the quantification and characterization of microplastics in waters. 

CAPTOPLASTIC has received two awards in 2021: eAwards Spain 2021 (Fundación Everis, 20.000€) and Global eAwards 2021 (NTT Data Foundation, 80.000€). The company currently counts with the funding of two competitive projects (CaptH20PlasticDemo - S-2020/L1-633, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional para el desarrollo de jóvenes empresas innovadoras de base tecnológica (Start-up’s) y pymes de alta intensidad innovadora- Comunidad de Madrid 2020 (60.000€); y PSQ - SNEO-20211265, NEOTEC CDTI 2021 (325.000€)).

Lines of research


Keywords: environmental engineering, catalysis, advanced oxidation processes, catalytic hydrodehalogenation, emerging pollutants, microplastics

Innovative technologies for the removal of micropollutants from water (MICROWATER)

  • Advanced processes for the degradation of emerging and priority pollutants, and microplastics
  • Clean technologies for the elimination of cyanotoxins and cyanobacteria in fresh waters
  • Separation of microplastics from water: treatment and analysis


Here you can see a video with a short review (InnoUAM Conference) of the research lines developed in our research group: Video





Subjects taught








Palladium-based Catalytic Membrane Reactor for the continuous flow hydrodechlorination of chlorinated micropollutants. J Nieto-Sandoval, E Gomez-Herrero, M Munoz, ZM de Pedro, JA Casas, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 120235.

Overview of toxic cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in Ibero-American freshwaters: challenges for risk management and opportunities for removal by advanced technologies. Macarena Munoz, Samuel Cirés, Zahara M de Pedro, José Ángel Colina, Yineth Velásquez-Figueroa, Javier Carmona-Jiménez, Angela Caro-Borrero, Anthony Salazar, Mónica-Cecilia Santa María Fuster, David Contreras, Elvira Perona, Antonio Quesada, Jose A Casas, Science of The Total Environment, 143197.


Fast oxidation of the neonicotinoid pesticides listed in the EU Decision 2018/840 from aqueous solutions. E Serrano, M Munoz, ZM de Pedro, JA Casas, Separation and Purification Technology, 235, 116168

CWPO intensification by induction heating using magnetite as catalyst. M Munoz, J Nieto-Sandoval, E Serrano, ZM de Pedro, JA Casas, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (5), 104085


Degradation of widespread cyanotoxins with high impact in drinking water (microcystins, cylindrospermopsin, anatoxin-a and saxitoxin) by CWPO. M Munoz, J Nieto-Sandoval, S Cirés, ZM de Pedro, A Quesada, JA Casas, Water research 163, 114853

Efficient removal of the pharmaceutical pollutants included in the EU Watch List (Decision 2015/495) by modified magnetite/H2O2. E Serrano, M Munoz, ZM de Pedro, JA Casas, Chemical Engineering Journal 376, 120265


Highly efficient removal of pharmaceuticals from water by well-defined carbide-derived carbons. Silvia Álvarez-Torrellas, Macarena Munoz, Jan Gläsel, Zahara M De Pedro, Carmen M Domínguez, Juan García, Bastian JM Etzold, Jose A Casas, Chemical Engineering Journal 347, 595-606

Antibiotics abatement in synthetic and real aqueous matrices by H2O2/natural magnetite. M Munoz, J Conde, ZM de Pedro, JA Casas, Catalysis Today 313, 142-147


Application of CWPO to the treatment of pharmaceutical emerging pollutants in different water matrices with a ferromagnetic catalyst. Macarena Munoz, Francisco J Mora, Zahara M de Pedro, Silvia Alvarez-Torrellas, Jose A Casas, Juan J Rodriguez, Journal of hazardous materials 331, 45-54

Naturally-occurring iron minerals as inexpensive catalysts for CWPO. M Munoz, P Domínguez, ZM de Pedro, JA Casas, JJ Rodriguez, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 203, 166-173


Application of intensified Fenton oxidation to the treatment of hospital wastewater: Kinetics, ecotoxicity and disinfection. M Munoz, P Garcia-Muñoz, G Pliego, ZM de Pedro, JA Zazo, JA Casas, Juan J Rodriguez, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 4 (4), 4107-4112

Size-controlled PtNi nanoparticles as highly efficient catalyst for hydrodechlorination reactions. M Munoz, S Ponce, GR Zhang, BJM Etzold, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 192, 1-7


Preparation of magnetite-based catalysts and their application in heterogeneous Fenton oxidation–a review. M Munoz, ZM De Pedro, JA Casas, JJ Rodriguez, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 176, 249-265

Ionic liquids breakdown by Fenton oxidation. M Munoz, CM Domínguez, ZM de Pedro, A Quintanilla, JA Casas, JJ Rodriguez, Catalysis Today 240 (Part A), 16-21


Application of intensified Fenton oxidation to the treatment of sawmill wastewater. M Munoz, G Pliego, ZM de Pedro, JA Casas, JJ Rodriguez, Chemosphere 109, 34-41

Degradation of imidazolium‐based ionic liquids in aqueous solution by Fenton oxidation. CM Domínguez, M Munoz, A Quintanilla, ZM de Pedro, SPM Ventura, JAP Coutinho, JA Casas, JJ Rodriguez, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 89 (8), 1197–1202


A ferromagnetic γ-alumina-supported iron catalyst for CWPO. Application to chlorophenols. M Munoz, ZM de Pedro, N Menendez, JA Casas, JJ Rodriguez, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 136, 218-224

Chlorophenols breakdown by a sequential hydrodechlorination-oxidation treatment with a magnetic Pd–Fe/γ-Al2O3 catalyst. M Munoz, ZM de Pedro, JA Casas, JJ Rodriguez, Water Research 47 (9), 3070-3080


Chlorinated byproducts from the Fenton-like oxidation of polychlorinated phenols. M Munoz, ZM de Pedro, G Pliego, JA Casas, JJ Rodriguez, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51 (40), 13092-13099

Triclosan breakdown by Fenton-like oxidation. M Munoz, ZM De Pedro, JA Casas, JJ Rodriguez, Chemical Engineering Journal 198, 275-281


Assessment of the generation of chlorinated byproducts upon Fenton-like oxidation of chlorophenols at different conditions. M Munoz, ZM de Pedro, JA Casas, JJ Rodriguez, Journal of Hazardous Materials 190 (1-3), 993-1000





More Information

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Información y Conserjería: 91 497 43 31 E-mail:  informacion.ciencias@uam.es
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