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Personal Docente e Investigador (P.D.I.)

Belver Coldeira Carolina

Belver Coldeira, Carolina

Titular de Universidad
Módulo 8 Despacho 603
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Resume CV

Carolina Belver is Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain). She received the B. Sc. in Chemistry from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in 1997 and a Ph.D. in 2004 from University of Salamanca (Spain). She enjoyed competitive national postdoctoral contracts at Catalysis and Petrochemistry Institute (Spain) (2005-2007), and Material Science Institute of Madrid (2008-2011).

Dr. Belver specialization and research deals with the design, processing, and evaluation of novel heterostructures for applications in environmental remediation, mainly focused on heterogeneous catalysis, photocatalysis and adsorption. Co-author of more than 70 referred publications and 11 chapter-books (more than 2500 citations, H factor of 30), she received in 2013 a Fulbright Fellowship recognizing her accomplishments in her career as a researcher. Dr. Belver is Associate Editor of Chemical Engineering Journal, and a member of the Editorial Advisory Boards of Materials Science for Energy.

Scopus ID: 57203822500


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