1. Transcription factor levels enable metabolic diversification of single cells of environmental bacteria, R. Guantes, I. Benedetti, R. Silva-Rocha and V. de Lorenzo, The ISME Journal 10: 1122-1133, (2016). [URL]
2. Mitochondria and the non-genetic origins of cell-to-cell variability: More is different, R. Guantes, J. Díaz-Colunga and F. J. Iborra, BioEssays 38, 64-76, (2016). [URL]
3. Global variability in gene expression and alternative splicing is modulated by mitochondrial content, R. Guantes, A. Rastrojo, R. Neves, A. Lima, B. Aguado and F. J. Iborra, Genome Research 25, 633-644, (2015). [URL]
4. A Tunable Coarse-Grained Model for Ligand-Receptor Interaction, T. Ruiz-Herrero, J. Estrada, R. Guantes and D. Gómez-Míguez, PLoS Computational Biology 11, e003274, (2013). [URL]
5. Dynamic and structural constraints in signal propagation by regulatory networks, J. Estrada and R. Guantes, Molecular Biosystems, 9, 268-284, (2013). [URL]
6. Positive regulatory dynamics by a small noncoding RNA: speeding up responses under temperature stress, R. Guantes, B. Cayrol, F. Busi and V. Arluison, Molecular Biosystems, 8, 1707-1715, (2012). [URL]
7. Trade-offs and Noise Tolerance in Signal Detection by Genetic Circuits, R. Guantes, J. Estrada, Juan F. Poyatos, PLoS One, 5 e12314, (2010). [URL]
8. Multistable Decision Switches for Flexible Control of Epigenetic Differentiation, R. Guantes, Juan F. Poyatos, PLoS Computational Biology 4, e1000235, (2008). [URL]
9. Sodium pumps adapt spike bursting to stimulus statistics, S. Arganda, R. Guantes and G. García de Polavieja, Nature Neuroscience 10, 1467-1473, (2007). [URL]
10. Dynamical Principles of Two-Component Genetic Oscillators, R. Guantes, Juan F. Poyatos, PLoS Computational Biology 2, 188-197, (2006). [URL]
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- researcherid.com/rid/B-7271-2014 / orcid.org/0000-0003-1916-944X
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