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Personal Docente e Investigador (P.D.I.)

Peñalosa Olivares Jesús Manuel

Peñalosa Olivares, Jesús Manuel

Profesor Titular
Área de conocimiento:
Edafología y Química Agrícola
Módulo 10-410


Áreas de especialización

Código UNESCO: 3101, 3103, 2417, 2511

Lineas de investigación

-Elementos traza en el sistema suelo-planta. Fitorremediación.

-Nutrición mineral. Cultivos hidropónicos. Fertirrigación


Asignaturas impartidas





Posgrado. Máster en Ciencias Agroambientales y Agroalimentarias:

-Sistemas de cultivo sostenibles, agricultura y alimentos ecológicos

-Factores implicados en la producción de los cultivos

-Recuperación de suelos: Contaminantes emergentes y agrícolas



T Fresno, E Moreno-Jiménez, P Zornoza, JM Peñalosa. Aided phytostabilisation of As-and Cu-contaminated soils using white lupin and combined iron and organic amendments. Journal of environmental management (2018) 205, 142-150

T Fresno, JM Peñalosa, J Santner, M Puschenreiter, E Moreno-Jiménez. Effect of Lupinus albus L. root activities on As and Cu mobility after addition of iron-based soil amendments. Chemosphere 182 (2017) 373-381. DOI 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.05.034. Q1

T. Fresno, E. Moreno-Jiménez, J.M Peñalosa. Assessing the combination of iron sulfate and organic materials as amendment for an arsenic and copper contaminated soil. A chemical and ecotoxicological approach.  Chemosphere 165 (2016) 539-546. DOI 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.09.039. Q1

T. Fresno, J M Peñalosa, J. Santner, M. Puschenreiter, T. Prohaska, E. Moreno-Jiménez. Iron plaque formed under aerobic conditions efficiently immobilizes arsenic in Lupinus albus L roots. Journal: Environmental Pollution 216 (2016) 215-222. DOI 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.05.071.

Q1; D1

R. Manzano; Peñalosa J.M; Esteban, E.

Amendment application in a multicontaminated mine soil: Effects on trace element mobility. Water Air Soil Pollut  (2014) 225(2):1874 1-10. DOI10.1007/s11270-014-1874-4. Q2

R. Manzano;  Esteban, E.; Peñalosa J.M; Alvarenga, P. Amendment application in a multi-contaminated mine soil: Effects on soil enzymatic activities and ecotoxicological characteristics. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2014) 21:4539–4550. Q1

Autores: C. García-Gómez; Sánchez-Pardo, B; Esteban, E.; Peñalosa, J.M.; Fernández, M.D. Risk assessment of an abandoned pyrite mine in Spain based on direct toxicity assays. Science of the Total Environment 470-471 (2014) 390–399. Q1 D1

E. Moreno-Jiménez; Esteban, E.; Carpena-Ruiz, R.O.; Lobo, M.C.; Peñalosa, J.M. Phytostabilisation with Mediterranean shrubs and liming improved soil quality in a pot experiment with a pyrite mine soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 201– 202 (2012) 52– 59. Q1 D1

E. Moreno-Jiménez; Esteban, E. and. Peñalosa, J.M. The Fate of Arsenic in Soil-Plant Systems. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 215, (2012) 1-37. Q1 D1

E. Moreno-Jiménez García-Gómez, C;  Oropesa, A.L.; Haro, A.; Esteban, E.; Carpena-Ruiz, R.; Tarazona, J.V.;  Peñalosa, J.M.; Fernández, M.D.  Screening risk assessment tools for assessing the environmental impact in an abandoned pyritic mine in Spain. Journal: Science of the Total Environment 409 (2011) 692–703. Q1

E Moreno-Jiménez; Vázquez, S; Carpena-Ruiz, RO; Esteban, E; Peñalosa, JM. Using Mediterranean shrubs for the phytoremediation of a soil impacted by pyritic wastes in Southern Spain: a field experiment. Journal of Environmental Management 92 (2011) 1584-1590. Q1

S Vázquez; Hevia, A; Moreno, E; Esteban, E; Peñalosa, J.M. and Carpena, R.O. Natural attenuation of residual heavy metal contamination in soils affected by the Aznalcóllar mine spill. Journal of Environmental Management  92 (2011) 2069-2075. Q1

E. Moreno-Jiménez, R. Manzano, E.Esteban, J. Peñalosa. The fate of arsenic in soils adjacent to an old mine site (Bustarviejo, Spain): mobility and transfer to native flora. J Soils Sediments (2010) 10, 301-312. Q1

E. Moreno-Jiménez, E. Esteban, T. Fresno, C. López de Egea, J.M. Peñalosa. Hydroponics as a valid tool to assess arsenic availability in mine soils.  Chemosphere 79 (2010) 513–517. Q1

E Moreno-Jiménez, JM. Peñalosa, R Manzano, RO Carpena-Ruiz, R Gamarra, E Esteban. Heavy metals distribution in soils surrounding an abandoned mine in NW Madrid (Spain) and their transference to wild flora. Journal: Journal of Hazardous Materials 162 (2009) 854–859. Q1 D1

E Moreno-Jiménez, JM. Peñalosa, E Esteban, M. P. Bernal. Feasibility of arsenic phytostabilisation using Mediterranean shrubs: impact of root mineralisation on As availability in soils. Journal: Journal of Environmental Monitoring. (2009) 11/1375-1380. Q2

E. Moreno-Jiménez; J.M. Peñalosa; R.O. Carpena-Ruiz; E. Esteban. Comparison of arsenic resistance in Mediterranean woody shrubs used in restoration activities. Journal: Chemosphere, 71 (2008) 466-473. Q1

E. Esteban; E. Moreno; J. Peñalosa; J.I. Cabrero; R. Millán; P. Zornoza. Short and long-term uptake of Hg in white lupin plants: Kinetics and stress indicators. Environmental and Experimental Botany 62 (2008) 316–322. Q1

JM. Peñalosa, RO. Carpena , S. Vázquez, R. Agha, A. Granado, M.J. Sarro,  E. Esteban. Chelate-assisted phytoextraction of heavy metals in a soil contaminated with a pyritic sludge. Sci. Total Environ. (2007). 378: 199-204. Q1


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