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Facultad de CienciasFacultad de Ciencias

Pou Bell, Pablo

Profesor Titular - Subdirector del Departamento
Módulo 5, Despacho 608, 6ª planta
+34 91 497 2829
+34 91 497 4950
Página del profesor>Página personal>
Resumen curriculum vitae



Áreas de especialización


Grupos de Investigación




Lineas de investigación

Our work is focused on ab initio modelling of different problems in Materials Science and Nanotechnology that involve forces and currents at the atomic scale. In particular, we try to understand and develop new capacities for the basic tools in Nanotechnology, the Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPMs), that enable us to use currents and forces to visualize and manipulate matter at the nanoscale.


Asignaturas impartidas


Horario de tutorías



Relevant/Recent Publications

  1. M. Ondráček, P. Pou, V. Rozsíval, C. González, P. Jelínek, and R. Pérez Forces and Currents in Carbon Nanostructures: Are We Imaging Atoms? Physical Review Letters 106,176101 (2011). [URL]
  2. M. M. Ugeda, D. Fernández-Torre, I. Brihuega, P. Pou, A. J. Martínez-Galera, R. Pérez, and J. M. Gómez-Rodríguez Point Defects on Graphene on Metals Physical Review Letters 107,116803 (2011). [URL]
  3. Y. Sugimoto, P. Pou, O. Custance, P. Jelinek, M. Abe, R. Perez and S. Morita Complex patterning by vertical interchange atom manipulation using atomic force microscopy Science 322, 413-417 (2008). [URL]
  4. Y. Sugimoto,P. Jelinek, P.Pou, M. Abe, R. Perez, S. Morita and O. Custance Chemical identification of individual surface atoms by atomic force microscopy Nature 446, 64-67 (2007). [URL]

Experiencia profesional

Experiencia profesional


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Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Información y Conserjería: 91 497 43 31 E-mail:
Gestión de estudiantes de Grado y Posgrado: 91 497 8264 / 4329 / 4353 / 4349 / 6879 / 8362 E-mail: