UAM - Centro Estudios Posgrado - The introduction of new technical terms in CLIL (English) and non-CLIL (German) biology lessons Acceder al contenido principal Acceder al menú principal

The introduction of new technical terms in CLIL (English) and non-CLIL (German) biology lessons

Aline Bieri
Institución de Origen:
M.A. en English and Biology por la Universidad de Basel
Desde el: 2020-10-28
Hasta el: 2020-10-29
Miércoles 28 de octubre, 17:00-20:00
Aplicación Zoom

Since the objective of any teaching is the learning of new content, new technical terms need to be constantly highlighted, defined and explained. Following Halliday and Martin’s (1993) concept of technicality, terms become technical by means of a two-step process: first, giving the phenomenon a name and second, marking the term as technical by assigning it a field-specific meaning. In written texts, such as teaching materials or textbooks, this technicalizing process often happens by highlighting new terms through orthographic means, such as bold font or color, followed by a definition of that term. In classroom discourse, all of this has to be done rhetorically by the teacher. In this talk, I will introduce part of my ongoing PhD project focusing on the role of technicality in CLIL (English) and non-CLIL biology lessons (German). In particular, I will demonstrate how new technical terms are introduced in teacher-led whole-class interaction in CLIL biology lessons compared to non-CLIL biology lessons, as well as how the introduction of technical terms differs in classroom discourse compared to written teaching materials.