Las Asociaciones Estratégicas tienen por objeto apoyar el desarrollo, la transferencia o la implementación de prácticas innovadoras y la ejecución de iniciativas conjuntas de fomento de la cooperación, el aprendizaje entre iguales y el intercambio de experiencias a escala europea.
Se trata de una acción descentralizada de la Agencia Nacional SEPIE, dentro de la acción 2 del nuevo Erasmus+, cuyo objetivo es desarrollar, transferir y/o implementar iniciativas conjuntas innovadoras a nivel institucional, local, regional y europeo
La asociación debe estar formada por un mínimo de 3 instituciones de 3 países del programa: países de la UE, junto con Islandia, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Noruega, Suiza, Turquía.
Las Asociaciones Estratégicas deben tener como prioridad desarrollar el asesoramiento de competencias transversales y promuevan experiencias emprendedoras en educación, formación y trabajo para los jóvenes; promocionar el desarrollo de tecnologías de la información y conocimiento y la producción de “recursos educativos abiertos” en diversas lenguas europeas; facilitar la validación del aprendizaje formal y no formal y su permeabilidad en los itinerarios educativos.
Proyectos en los que participa la UAM:
Proyectos Abiertos
Referencia: 2020-1-PT01-KA226-095000
Página web:
Descripción: In the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic hit countries around the globe with great impact, causing a devastating effect in the economy and in society at large. The restrictions that were imposed to limit mobility and ensure physical distancing between people, affected all types of activities including teaching. In Europe, many Higher Education Institutions (HEI) had to develop fast institutional responses to the COVID-19 crisis, initially tackling logistical issues and ensuring the necessary technological provision in order to replace face-to-face classes by synchronous distance learning, while it was not possible to resume the traditional teaching modality. NOVA University Lisbon, the Autonomous University of Madrid, and the University of Rome Tor Vergata constituted a consortium will reward the best blended-learning courses in each of the three universities, in different areas of knowledge, and the efforts of their faculty to respond to the COVID-19 challenge of distance education, through the creation of an International Blended Learning Award (hereinafter also referred to as “BLA”). The most innovative aspect of this initiative is that all three partner HEI are committed to jointly offering the awarded courses, thus allowing for a true virtual mobility based on a shared international catalogue of blended learning courses that will be available to students of the HEI of the Consortium and their partners.
Duración: 01.03.2021-28.02.2023 (24 meses)
Instituciones participantes:
- Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Coordinadora - Portugal)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
- Universita Tor Vergata (Italia)
Referencia: 101049436 — Erasmus Careers — ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PCOOP-ENGO
Página web:
Descripción: ¿Qué es Erasmus Careers? / What is Erasmus Careers?
Measuring the impact of mobility abroad on students’ career development remains challenging and the support they receive from universities in identifying and assessing competences is modest. The Erasmus Careers project aims to ensure that the competencies gained on mobility are recognized by students and employers and contribute to the career prospects of Erasmus+ participants.
- Competences gained by students and trainees during their mobility abroad are identified.
- A better understanding for the learning that takes place during the International Student Lifecycle.
- The competences gained by students during mobility are better understood and recognized by employers.
- Students understand the impact of international student mobility on their career path.
- Competences gained abroad are recognised and integrated in Education policies.
Duración: 01.04.2022-31.03.2025 (36 meses)
Instituciones participantes:
- Erasmus Student Network AISBL (ESN) (Coordinadora - Bélgica)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
- Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (AUTH) (Grecia)
- Lifelong Learning Platform (LLL-P) (Bélgica)
- Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant (TiU) (Holanda)
- Expertise in Labour Mobility BV (ELM) (Holanda)
Referencia: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000032108
Página web:
Descripción: Los niveles globales de obesidad han ido en aumento en las últimas 3 décadas. Los trastornos alimentarios pueden afectar a individuos de diferentes grupos de edad, la edad promedio de inicio tiene lugar durante la adolescencia. El estigma negativo asociado a la obesidad desafía a los adolescentes a hacer amigos y, por lo tanto, beneficiarse del apoyo social. El proyecto "Connected4Health - A Medical and Humanities-based Approach to Navigating Obesity and Eating Disorders (EDs) in Young People" propone una acción interdisciplinaria conectada que espera lograr una comprensión profunda de la obesidad, los DE, su estigma y daño desde los niveles de base (perspectiva histórica, social, personal), deconstruyendo las narrativas actuales en los discursos públicos y creando una nueva narrativa que contribuirá a la reducción del estigma de la forma del cuerpo y predisposición.
- Proporcionar a los profesores / capacitadores en las universidades habilidades, conocimientos, métodos y herramientas para explorar y abordar la enseñanza / capacitación de la obesidad y los DE a través de un enfoque transdisciplinario;
- Ayudar a los residentes y estudiantes a consolidar sus conocimientos y habilidades para abordar la paciencia con la obesidad y los trastornos alimentarios
- Apoyar a los especialistas en diferentes campos médicos para que adquieran nuevos conocimientos y habilidades transdisciplinarias para hacer frente a estas paciencias.
Duración: 02.01.2022 - 01.01.2024 (24 meses)
Instituciones participantes:
- University of Târgu Mures (Coordinadora - Rumanía)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
- University of Belgrade (Serbia)
- IPB (Portugal)
- Pixel (Italia)
- Klaipeda University (Lituania)
- Olomouc University (República Checa)
Referencia: 2021-1-HR01-KA220-HED-000027562
Página web:
Descripción: The aim of the project is to bridge the gap of insufficient student engagement in online learning, project activities and defined results are derived from focusing on: selecting and exchanging different learning materials, use of sophisticated analysis as learning analytics, eye tracking and neurophysiological responses, and, based on previous analysis, best practices guidelines providing.
- Challenge-based training, concerns the problem, which occurs in the online environment, of students’ low engagement in online teaching and the need to find the way how to include them more actively and reach higher engagement.
- Design for engagement through which behavioral data analysis and neurophysiological data analysis will be used to gather findings that enhance their engagement.
- Relate to learning analytics (LA) and its use in order to upgrade learning approaches in online learning environment.
Duración: 01.02.2022-31.1.2025 (36 meses)
Instituciones participantes:
- University of Rijeka (Coordinadora - Croacia)
- Università degli studi di Roma la Sapienza (Italia)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
- Copenhagen Business School (Dinamarca)
- National Technical University of Athens (Grecia)
- Kaunas University of Technology (Lituania)
- Link SRL (Italia)
- Brainsigns SRL (Italia)
Proyectos cerrados
Referencia: 2014-1-ES01-KA203-004798
Página web:
Descripción: The aim of ‘Europe Engage’ is to promote Service-Learning as a pedagogical approach that embeds and develops civic engagement within higher education, students, staff, and the wider community.
- Embed the concept and practice of the civic university through Service-Learning (S-L) and student engagement with the community.
- Promote Service-Learning as a pedagogical approach that embeds and develops civic engagement within higher education, students, staff, and the wider community.
Duración: 01.09.2014-31.08.2017 (36 meses)
Instituciones participantes:
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Coordinadora - España)
- National University of Ireland (Irlanda)
- IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems (Austria)
- University of Helsinki (Finlandia)
- Vytautas Magnus University (Lituania)
- University of Zagreb (Croacia)
- Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (Italia)
- University of Brighton (UK)
- Erasmus University of Rotterdam (Países Bajos)
- Ghent University (Bélgica)
- Higher Institute of Applied Psychology (Portugal)
Referencia: 2018-1-FR01-KA204-047946
Descripción: the main objective of IVI project is to develop an Intergenerational Methodology for Seniors and Youth who intend to create a common business, enabling them to access high-quality entrepreneurship skills, a training on how to benefit from an intergenerational exchange in term of competencies, and an access to an innovative matching methodology permitting a complementarity between competencies and projects from persons belonging to different generations. This social innovation would allow to foster a new kind of relationship between Youth and Seniors regarding entrepreneurship and know-how and bring added values to entrepreneurship initiatives. Intergenerational Methodology is expected to be a highly useful tool for NGOs working with Seniors and Youth.
Duración: 01.09.2018 al 31.08.2021
Instituciones participantes:
- IPAG - Institut de préparation à l'Administration et à la Gestion (Coordinadora - Francia)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
- Tandem Inter Générationnel pour la création et la Reprise d'Entreprise (Francia)
- Insamlingsstiftelsen IFS (Suecia)
- Rådgivningscentrum (Suecia)
- Fundación Mayores de Hoy (España)
- Jönköping University (Suecia)
Referencia: 2019-1-UK01-KA201-062118
Duración: 01.09.2019-31.12.2021 (28 meses)
Descripción: The collaborative economy favours the exchange between individuals of goods and services that until then were idle or underutilised. The European Commission (2018a) defines the collaborative economy as “activities facilitated by digital platforms that create an open marketplace for the temporary usage of goods or services provided by private individuals”. The European Commission classifies three categories of actors in the collaborative economy: 1) service providers; 2) service users; and 3) intermediaries. This project will create academic modules at Masters level (both online and offline) which will be offered in existing MBAs and other Business,Economics, and Tourism masters programmes, as well as MOOCs for the general public. Using the European P2P accommodation market as a case study, the project will inform the creation of postgraduate and lifelong learning modules to fill the knowledge gap about the collaborative economy in higher education and in the wider society.
- Collaborative Economy
- Digital Transformation, P2P Accommodation Platforms, and New Touristic Practices
Instituciones Participantes:
- Leeds Beckett University (Coordinadora -Reino Unido)
- University of Zagreb (Croacia)
- Cyprus University of Technology (Chipre)
- Università della Calabria (Italia)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
- Dokuz Eylül University (Turquía)
Referencia: PROJECT– 2017-1-UK01-KA201-036665
Página web: (web actualmente no activa)
Duración: 01.09.2017 - 31.12.2020
- Respond to learner diversity in inclusive ways through the active participation of children;
- Enhance the access, participation and learning performance of all children, ensuring that no child is marginalised;
- Use a research-based model of teacher professional development that encourages dialogue between children and teachers;
- Design new techniques for generating the views of younger children, including ways of involving them in carrying out research in their schools; and,
- Measure the impact of using such approaches on teachers’ thinking and practices, and on students’ engagement (attitudes and behaviours)
Instituciones Participantes:
- Universidad de Southampton (Coordinadora - Reino Unido)
- Aarhus Universitet (Dinamarca)
- Universidade do Algarve (Portugal)
- Niva Skole (Dinamarca)
- Universitaet Graz (Austria)
- CEIP Aldebarán (España) , Wordsworth primary school (Reino Unido)
- Agrupamento de escolas pinheiro e rosa (Portugal)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
- Volksschule Schönau (Austria)
Referencia: 2018-1-NL01-KA201-038951
Página web:
Duración: Septiembre 2018 - Septiembre 2021 (36 meses)
Instituciones participantes:
- Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work (Países Bajos)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
- University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (Polonia)
- Fundación Siglo22 (España)
- JKVG vzw (Bélgica)
- Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (Portugal)
- Natsionalen ucheben tsentar (Bulgaria)
- Ljudska univerza Velenje (Eslovenia)
- Euroface Consulting s.r.o. (República Checa)
Referencia: 2017-1-ES01-KA203-038266
Página web:
- Development of adaptive e-Learning tools which adapt themselves according to the level of the users.
- Development of gamification techniques for e-Learning platforms in order to increase interest and decrease drop-out rates.
- Investigation and development of new methodologies.
- Implementation of these techniques in concrete online platforms.
Duración: septiembre 2017 - septiembre 2020 (36 meses)
Universidades participantes:
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Coordinadora - España)
- European University College Association (Bélgica)
- Fundació Eurecat (España)
- Jyvaskylan University (Finlandia)
- Jiménez Puertas Asesoría de Empresas S.L. (España)
- UC Limburg (Países Bajos)
Referencia: 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050439
Página web:
Descripción: Going on Erasmus is a great way for young people to learn more about themselves and develop their personal skills to make them more equipped to join a globalised society. However, students don’t always manage to voice which skills they have gained through their mobility.
The Erasmus Skills project provides a set of innovative tools to help Erasmus students enhance and acknowledge the soft skills and competences gained thanks to their mobility experience.
Various tools provide support both to students – before, during and after their mobility experience – and to the university teachers and practitioners – on how to back Erasmus students for a more conscious soft skills acquisition.
- Research on learning outcomes of the mobility period by identifying the skills acquired
- Implementation of individual evaluation questionnaires (before, during, after mobility) for students. Delivery of a post-mobility certificate based on the self-assessment.
- Creation of recommendations during the mobility to maximize the chances for an interesting learning curve.
- Blended training on skills and European values
- Integration of findings in the Erasmus + app
Duración: septiembre 2018 -septiembre 2021(36 meses)
Universidades participantes:
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Coordinadora - España)
- Ghent University (Bélgica)
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Grecia)
- Expertise in Labour Mobility (Países Bajos)
- Erasmus Student Network
- European University Foundation (Luxemburgo)
Área de descargas
Flyer Erasmus Skills
Referencia: 2018-1-PL01-KA201-051080
Página web:
Descripción: BRITEC proposes introducing the Citizen Science (CS) approach in schools as a way of engaging pupils in research practices. CS is a relatively new way of conducting scientific research, by enlisting the support of ordinary citizens into the collection and interpretation of large amounts of data. BRITEC aims to offer teachers and researchers from throughout Europe the tools and training to bring research into classrooms by engaging pupils in the processes of scientific research (from helping formulate research questions to collecting and analysing information and drawing pertinent conclusions).
Duración: 01.10.2018-30.09.2021(36 meses)
Instituciones participantes:
- Institute of Geophysics-Polish Academy of Sciences (Coordinadora - Polonia)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
- Ibercivis (España)
- GFOSS-Open Technologies Alliance (Grecia)
- KU-Leuven (Bélgica)
- European Schoolnet-STEM working group (Bélgica)
Referencia: 2019-1-ES01-KA203-064907
Página web:
- Encourage the inclusion of persons with disabilities in higher education through diagnosis and analysis of inclusive universities to be a reference for other universities.
- Create a network of inclusive universities, which will be reflected both in a European Guide, accessible and available to all, and a web-accessible platform.
- Promote the inclusion in the university community supporting both faculty and administrative staff in order to stimulate diversity.
- Promote the international mobility among the students with disabilities and raise awareness within the university community regarding accessibility and social inclusion of young persons with disabilities.
Duración: 01.11.2019 - 31.12.2021
Instituciones Participantes:
- Fundación ONCE (España)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
- Universidad de Sevilla (España)
- Itä-Suomen Yliopisto (Finlandia)
- Università Degli Studi Di Trieste (Italia)
- Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
- European Disability Forum (Bélgica)
- Universidad de Murcia (España)
- Politechnika Lubelska (Polonia)
Referencia: 2018-1-FR01-KA204-047946
Página web:
Duración: 01.09.2016
Referencia: RAILtoLAND 2019-1-ES01-KA203-065554
Página web:
Enlace Instagram:
Descripción: El proyecto RAILtoLAND tiene como objetivo explorar el valor social y educativo del paisaje cultural europeo, como patrimonio común y como catalizador de la consolidación de los procesos de identidad europeos, la cohesión social, la creación de culturas locales y la mejora del bienestar humano. Está alineado con los objetivos del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje, involucrando a la población objetivo en los procesos de toma de decisiones y diseñando iniciativas de mejora del paisaje.
Duración: 01.9.2019-31.7.2022
Instituciones participantes:
- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Coordinador - España)
- Universidad Autóma de Madrid (España)
- Universita delle Marche (UNIVPM)(Italia)
- Université Gustave Eiffel (Francia)
- Cemtro do computaçao grafica (Portugal)
- Union Internationale de Chemin de Fer (Francia)
Instituciones asociadas:
- Combios do Portugal
Referencia: 2018-1-HU01-KA203-047732
Página web:
Descripción: The BEESE Pro Bono Project is a European Strategic Partnership between NGO’s working in the field of promoting pro bono and professional volunteering and Higher Education Institutions.
This project aims to announce, promote and consolidate pro bono practices in students in European Universities and to strengthen links between Higher Education Institutions, NGO’s and enterprises.
Duración: 35 meses
Instituciones participantes:
- Önkéntes Központ Alapítvány - Volunteering Hungary - Centre of Social Innovation (Hungría) - coordinator
- Pro Bono Lab (Francia)
- Work for Social (España)
- Time Heroes Foundation (Bulgaria)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
- University of National & World Economy (Bulgaria)
- Junior Consulting Sciences Po (Francia)
- Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
- University Óbudai Egyetem (Hungría)
Referencia: 2020-1-HR01-KA201-077760
Página web:
Descripción: RoboGirls focuses on empowering educators and building their capacity to implement innovative STEAM activities for primary and secondary students (such as lesson plans, experiential workshops, interdisciplinary activities, thematic school days) with focus on the use of robotics, coding, and digital technologies in general, to narrow the gender gap, empower, encourage and actively engage girls to the STEAM field.
- Enhance girls’ confidence and self-esteem towards STEAM, motivating them to consider a relevant career in the future.
- Build the capacity of teachers to implement hands-on STEAM activities using robotics and other technological tools following gender equality approaches.
- Develop innovative quality learning material, resources and OERs for teachers to promote girls’ empowerment and engagement in digital technologies.
- Increase and nurture girls’ interest in the digital sector through the development of gender-inclusive teaching activities and open educational resources focused on robotics and coding with a real-world context.
Duración: 01.12.2020- 30.11.2022 (24 meses)
Instituciones participantes:
- University of Zagreb (Coordinador – Croacia)
- Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology LTD-CARDET (Chipre)
- Innovade LI LTD (Chipre)
- Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Attica (Grecia)
- The Rural Hub CLG (Irlanda)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
Referencia: 2020-1-ES01-KA204-082015
Página web:
Descripción: The ProCKD project will focus on how the working patients can continue their employment after initiation of dialysis, on how to be encouraged to continue training and education, and on how unemployed patients can be assisted in finding meaningful work. Understanding the factors influencing employability can help patients have a more fulfilling professional life.
Duración: 07.12.2020-06.12.2022 (24 meses)
Instituciones participantes:
- Federación Nacional de Asociaciones ALCER (Asociaciones para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Renales)
- Saronic Nephrological Center Ltd (SNC) (Grecia)
- Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work (DFW2W) (Holanda)
- The Greek Carers Network (EPIONI) (Grecia)
- Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) (Turquía)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
Referencia: 2020-1-FR01-KA226-HE-095142
Página web:
The aim of the project is to provide training for 30 teachers and to reach 100 supplementary teachers with local training events. Teachers will be trained to integrate blended and co-modal teaching in their classes, with the integration of telecollaboration and virtual exchange on topics related to digital citizenship.
The PENSA project will involve 400 students across Europe in developing their digital competence, plurilingual competence, collaborative skills, and learner autonomy.
Duración: 01.03.2021-28.02.2023 (24 meses)
- Increase digital readiness in higher education.
- Contribute to sustainable internationalization providing guidelines to stakeholders for increasing virtual exchange and virtual mobility.
- Contribute to a culture of openness both among teachers for open education, and among students for open digital citizenship, reducing the use of commercial platforms in higher education.
Instituciones participantes:
- Université d’Aix Marseille (Coordinadora - Francia)
- University of Tübingen (Alemania)
- Università Degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza (Italia)
- Fundació per a la Univesitat Oberta de Catalunya (España)
- Université Libre de Bruxelles (Bélgica)
- UNICollaboration (España)
- 3 & Punt Solucions Informàtiques SL (España)
- University of Bucharest (Rumanía)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
Referencia: 2020-1-IE01-KA226-SCH-082934
Página web: http://
Descripción: The UDL-BOE project aim to address two key areas: inclusion and digital pedagogical competences, with the main target group being second-level teachers. The approach is based on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework (, an inclusive approach to teaching and learning that offers all students an equal opportunity to fulfil their potential. This framework offers students different options for accessing, building, and internalizing learning. It guides teachers to provide multiple means for students to: engage with represent and action/express their learning.
Duración: 01.05.2021-30.04.2023 (24 meses)
Instituciones participantes:
- Trinity College Dublin/Learnovate (Coordinadora - Irlanda)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
- CVO Vitant (Bélgica)
- Ellinogermaniki Agogi (Grecia)
- St. Joseph´s Secondary School (Irlanda)
Referencia: 2020-1-RO01-KA226-HE-095475
- Identify the best practices that could enhance teaching and learning when using digital tools and create conditions for social and emotional engagement of students in online learning.
- Provide a framework for transforming and adapting learning support services, with a special focus on vulnerable groups.
- Create the tools to develop student’s sense of belonging in the context of virtual learning communities.
Duración: 01.03.2021-31.05.2023
Instituciones participantes:
- University of Bucharest (Coordinador - Rumanía)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
- Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Alemania)
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Grecia)
- University of Stockholm (Suecia)
- Université d'Aix Marseille (Francia)
- Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” (Italia)
Referencia: 2019-1-NL01-KA203-060532
Página web:
Descripción: The focus of this transnational project is the collaborative development of English-language teaching materials for courses in early modern, modern and contemporary European history that allows Higher Education Institutions to internationalise their curriculum.
Duración: 01.09.2019-31.08.2022 (36 meses)
Instituciones participantes:
- Universiteit Utrecht (Coordinadora – Países Bajos)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
- Eötvös Loránd University (Hungría)
- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Alemania)
- Univerzita Karlova (República Checa)
- Université de Lille (Francia)
- Euroclio-De Europese Vereniging Voor Geschiedenisonderwijsgeveden (Países Bajos)
- University of Sheffield (Reino Unido)
Referencia: 2020-1-DE01-KA226-HE-005758
Página web:
Descripción: The project aim is to develop open access transnational teaching kits and a handbook for online blended learning seminars that train students for the participation in United Nations Model Games (MUN).
Foster practice-oriented learning and networking facilities for students as well as cooperation.
Establish of an international intra-European joint network between the three partner universities, teachers, and students.
Duración: 01.03.2021-31.08.2023
Instituciones participantes:
Fulda University of Applied Sciences (Coordinadora - Alemania)
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
Zagreb University (Croacia)
MacEwan University Edmonton (Canadá)
Consultas generales
Movilidad de estudiantes: Convenios internacionales (fuera de Europa)
Movilidad de estudiantes: Erasmus+ Estudios
Movilidad de estudiantes: Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (KA107) o Erasmus Mundus
Movilidad de estudiantes: Erasmus+ Prácticas y prácticas internacionales
Movilidad de estudiantes: Programa UAM - Banco Santander (CEAL)
Movilidad de estudiantes: SICUE
Movilidad de estudiantes: Swiss-European Mobility Programme
Movilidad de estudiantes: Visitantes
Movilidad CIVIS
Movilidad de personal (PDI y PAS): Erasmus+
Movilidad de personal (PDI) no Erasmus / Gestión de Convenios internacionales
Oficina de Acogida (alojamiento, visados, TIE, NIE etc.)
Plan DOing y Plan AdId
Programa de mentores internacionales
Proyectos internacionales
Study Abroad at UAM
Titulaciones internacionales
Servicio de Relaciones Internacionales y Movilidad (Horario)
Campus de Cantoblanco
Edificio Plaza Mayor, planta baja - C/ Einstein, 7
28049 Madrid